The wife and I agreed, no more gun purchases for awhile. We had the truck loaded to go to the shooting range, with my new to me GP 100 4" and my GP 100 3" that I had taken to the range last month . Well, first she had a doctors appt. that I had to drop her off at , told her I'd just be around town waiting on her. Of course, the local gun shop wasn't that far away, and there in the corner of the display case on the bottom shelf tucked away behind the newer guns lay a police service six, calling to me. Well, my wife was calling too, forgot and left my cell phone in the truck and she was out of the doctors waitng on me, how did she know to call the gun shop looking for me? Anyway told her about the gun and my birthday coming up and instead of taking me to Hooters I'd just get the gun. She told me to go ahead and get the gun.