I had a new baby delivered yesterday

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Dec 30, 2008
MTG country in Georgia
I havn't sold a motorcycle in 45 years. They're always worth more to me than they are to someone else. I decided my '09 full sized Harley Bagger had to go to make room. I didn't need it and a Street Glide, plus I hadn't ridden it in over 5 years. The '09 only weighs about 60 #'s more than the SG, but it feels like 150 #'s more up top.

I bought it in '11 from my friend of 50 years who passed away in Sept. I had a lot of nice memories on that bike. I took my 10 year old granddaughter for her first ride 6 days before we found out she had Lymphoma. She made it, but it was touch and go :cry: I took my middle daughter on a few rides, one to take her to Bald River Falls in TN where I met her Mom while camping with a friend, her Mom's brother. I took my sister on a 10 day trip to the Ozarks. I took it down to see my friend Hank Helo, aka gunslinger_hank on the Forum, in Rayne, LA. Rest in Peace, Hank.

From Hank's I went south and rode the Gulf of Mexi...America to Port Arthur, TX then up north to Lake Superior in the UP of MI. I ended up at the only RF Ohio meet ever held. I really wanted to see my friend Bob Campbell, and I believe it was the last time I would ever see him. Rest in Peace, Bob.

It sucks getting older, but it beats the alternative. A guy bought this bike sight unseen with just close up garage pics. The market is really soft on any cruiser style motorcycles, so I felt like I was giving it away, though I was okay with it. The driver showed up in a hightop van up to pick the bike up for the new owner. The dealer I bought the new bike from treated it like a trade in.

Off it went; I won't miss that top heavy thing. I always hated that color, anyway LOL

I'm pretty big into nostalgia. I grew up with British bikes ruling along with Harley Sportsters and Panheads. You can't get a more old school look nowadays than a Bonneville. Even Harley destroyed their Sportster.

For a very short time my garage looked less full, but they not only took my bagger away, they delivered a brand new 2025 Triumph T120 Bonneville with 3 miles on the odometer. It's a Limited Edition with every dealer getting just one, and that's worldwide. I certainly didn't buy it because it's a LE; it was the only way to get this color combo. I'll probably change the side covers to plain gloss black. All the pin striping on the tank and front fender is hand painted.

So, I sold a nearly 900# bike for a 525# bike. I think this new one will get some use, but not with 4" of snow on the ground LOL

I think I'll cruise out to see sfhogman. He has a Bonneville, too :)
Both are very nice looking machines!

My bagger is a 15 when they changed the frame design under their "Project Rushmore" thingy and YES, your vintage felt top heavy to me too! Hard to describe how big the difference was between my 03 and 15 …. "Night and day" as they say.

Our local Truimph dealer gave up the brand about 5 years ago. Sad they didn't sell here cause I think they're pretty good bikes. I really like the Truimph colors but agree on your side cover comment. Even matching the red or silver would work there.


PS ~ still hanging on to the old F150?
Yes the market on used Harleys is soft I have been trying to sell my 92 Ultra for a year now I had 22 inquiries not one came to see it I have over 5K invested in it had the price down to 4K but I see them advertised for less than 3K and not selling I will try again in the spring if it doesn't sell I will just keep it and ride it 2-3 times a year until I kick the bucket and let the kids give it away
Love those colors! You enjoy a lot more of life when you're riding; you can smell the lumberyard way before you pass it, fresh hay being cut somewhere close by, and feel all the little changes in the temps from shadow to sunshine. World of difference between that and the cage with windows!
I told the salesman that those Elvis side covers were over the top LOL It is an Elvis LE, though.

Yes, I still have the F150. I need to get the brakes fixed and a good exterior detail then put it up for auction. I'm so bad about keeping stuff I never use. I still have my mint '80 Shovelhead and I literally never ride it. I've had full coverage insurance on it since I bought it new in March of '80 for crying out loud! :ROFLMAO: I just dropped the insurance and didn't renew the tag 3 weeks ago.

If you added up all the insurance I've paid on it as well as GA's high tag renewal cost along with a vanity tag, I'd lose $ if I were to sell it for $100K! LOL

I believe Bonnevilles have always had black side covers as opposed to tank colored side covers. I'll stick with tradition.

Family is #1, but if I were to lose my ability to shoot or ride motorcycles my life would suck.

Yes, Lucas--The Prince of Darkness
Love those colors! You enjoy a lot more of life when you're riding; you can smell the lumberyard way before you pass it, fresh hay being cut somewhere close by, and feel all the little changes in the temps from shadow to sunshine. World of difference between that and the cage with windows!
I don't believe I've ever had a negative thought pass thru my mind while on a motorcycle. Well, except for cars trying to kill me now and then.

This is my PC screen saver (?) Pure British joy, right there!

Damn Cholo you need to come to Greenville and I need to introduce you to a customer who I went to this past week. I worked at his house by going through his two car garage and this is what the right side looked like:


after I got his gas stove going he said he was going for a bike ride. I mentioned it was a bit cold out, I think about 40 degrees, and he said he had a heated suit to wear.
Dang, blume, I only have 4 Harleys and now a Triumph. I am humbled LOL

The 2 guys yesterday walked into my garage and saw 5 Harleys and said: Wow! This is my kind of garage! I put my best British 1750 look on my face while slowly spreading my arms and asking the question: Am I married?

My brother has 7 or 8 bakes in the garage or living room. One is a 1949, I think a Pan Head. There is a 1950, I think a knock Head. They both have shifter on the tank. The 50 is completely restored estimated worth $35,000. The 49 was his first Harley and starts on the first kick even with the 5" of snow. There is a XLCH that was a show bike that on a tear down to polish the Aluminum when reassembled oil pump said i quite under one mile. There are several Buells before Harley bought them. One Hayabusa to go fast. He is 73 and enjoys the bikes.
I havn't sold a motorcycle in 45 years. They're always worth more to me than they are to someone else.
I know exactly how you feel. After my first 2 bikes, I had H/D's from 2003 to 2018.
I lucked into a new 2003 100 year Anniversary Dyna that I eventually sold for the then new Nightrain.

I kept the 2007 Nightrain until 2018.


She doesn't look it but she was 850lbs & I grew tired of having to constantly man-handle her within the garage or in & out of tight parking spots, etc. I held my nose & sold her to buy this:

2018 Yamaha MT07. Best decision I ever made.

Man, what a joy to ride. It's a 'hyper-naked' so I'm still sitting fully upright. My back wouldn't take hunching over on a crotch-rocket. Look where you want to go & it leans in seemingly by itself like a tractor beam. 410 lbs & feels like riding a child's bicycle after the decades of lugging around on the Nightrain. A flick of the wrist & it's as quick as a jackrabbit. I'm sure your T120 will be the same & you're going to love it. I've recently decided to sell the MT & go with a new Triumph Trident 660 this summer as I too want to engage with a traditional Brit. Don't listen to the fools who'll cry blasphemy that you sold your American Iron, they know not what they do.
You'll miss your windshield, I know I did so I put a Puig on it & all was right in the world. Consider one of the many brands for yours as getting back into the wind full blast is no fun at 70 mph or so after about a half hour. If you don't know of them yet, RevZilla & Triumph Cleveland will be your friend.



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I'd be satisfied with one Triumph or Norton, .... or... dare I say V-MAX (?)..but, alas, I fall off more than I 'sit on'.
Cholo, you da man...........enjoy being so.

The '49 and the '50 Harleys would both be panheads. '48 was the first year of the panhead. I had a '47 knucklehead (bought it as a basket case, chopped it, rode it for a while, then tore it down again and brought it back to stock) but I'd still like to have '49 pan, just because that's the year I was born.

Nice thread. I have had a lot of bikes come and go....only one keeper-- and yes, it gets heavier every year...but not top heavy. Bought it in 1985 for $5300, just paid same for SLEP--service life extension program. FXSB, evo engine with kick start...they were using up the left over shovelhead frames when the evo came out

You'll miss your windshield, I know...
No, I won't. I hate them with a passion. I still have one bike with a windshield, and that's all I'll ever have. It does lower the felt outside temperature about 15* in the Spring, Fall, and Winter. It's my go-to bike in those seasons. Other than those times, let the wind blow.

I'm old, and old school. That's not likely to change :)