I found a Ruger MK 1 but it was made in Mexico. What is it?

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Jan 13, 2009
Well I was out going to a garage sell or two here in the Texas panhandle and I bought a Ruger MK 1 that says it was made in Armamex Mexico. Not sure what it is but its in about 90% condition and I was able to get it for a 100.00 bucks. Is this some kind of parts gun ? Sn starts with a R and is real close to a 1000. It only has one mag and shoots great. Thanks
I don't remember for sure. But in I think it's Munnells? book on ruger rimfires, he says they are pretty rare. I think you might've just gotten a steal of deal.
It's not a Mark I. These were "Standard Pistols" that were assembled in Mexico from parts shipped there by Ruger in 1955-1958. There's quite a story behind them. Most of the ones recovered are in pretty poor shape.

They can bring BIG BUCKS from a collector or hardly anything as just another beat-up old Ruger with strange markings. They are extermely scarce today, as only about 250 were ever made . . . 200 of the 4-3/4" variety and 50 of the 6" type according to RENE.

Only about a dozen are currently known. I'd say you made an extremely neat buy. Prepare to be swamped with offers.

We're all interested to hear the SN on your gun (send me a PM if you wish) to see where it falls in the R1000 to R1250 serial number range. Also curious if your gun has a 4-3/4" or 6" barrel on it.
A great discovery on your part!! Most of the Armamex's that are known today came in on one boatload of imported guns from Mexico.
Well that all sounds great. I left this morning and will be gone for a week but I thought it was the same as my 6/7/8 MK ll. I will check and get back to you all. Thanks
guys just curious, if that thing is in as nice shape as he says, what kind of realistic value range does the 6" model have?
If it's a true Armamex,, and it's in good shape, a 4-3/4" can be around $1400-$1500 with a 6" being a bit higher in the $1600-$1800 possible range.
You did good!!! Make sure to give Chet15 the rundown on the s/n and all. He is the expert and historian and it will help document to collectors what you really have.

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