How To Transfer An Estate Gun?

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May 1, 2022
New Jersey
A handgun was found in a scrapped RV. The RV owner was tracked down, and said the gun was an estate piece and never had any paperwork. Ne doesn't want it and didn't know it was there.. He had inherited the RV and thinks it probably came with it. The scrapper has a purchase permit ( This is in NJ) How does one register it and gain title?
From what I remember about odd NJ gun rules, they require some sort of permit to buy before even buying one.

It's a great state, and while I lived there I saved money by not getting any new guns, but I was able to order KIDD parts for my 10/22.
If you ask for legal advice on a forum, the advice you get will be worth what you pay for it -- unless that turns out to be a few years in jail. Personally, I'd rather just call a lawyer in my own state.
Do you know what type of gun it is? Is it worth the trouble or jumping through all these hoops? Or should the gun just be thrown into the nearest lake?
Don't know the brand - not in my possession- and he hasn't come back to me yet. I only know that it's .38 wheel gun in good shape. But I personally don't care about the gun. I am asking the question because I don't know the answer. If the gun ends up being crap, I'd still want to know.
Since no one in the loop is really 'invested' in the gun (would be nice to know that the gun is) then I think the scrapper should just call the state police and have them answer. they might / probably will come and confiscate it and do a check on the gun to see if it is stolen or such but the scrapper might get it back and if he does then he could legally do with it per N.J. law as he pleases.... with out any worry. Seems the safest thing to do to me.
Of course do it how you see fit but my 2 cents from the comfort of my lazy boy says...

The RV owner if he was a relative and got the rv that way then the gun can legally pass to him too. Then the RV owner (the guy that scrapped the RV, not the scrap yard guy) can transfer the pistol legally. He may have to get paperwork made to do the transfer. I don't have any of that sort of thing where I'm from.

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