Thanks Bob,
Sounds like they are few and far between. 4 sighted in 3 to 4 years of watching is not very many. The Ruger Law Enforcement Cataloges have them on the cover so the thought would be that they were aimed at that market. One wonders how many were actually sold to American agencies.
I'm just a working stiff so the lower price, not so nice condition, ones drift into my collection. It's all relative. No one expects a Colt collector to have an original, NIB, Walker, now do they? Even so, there are days when the 'gun fund' is empty at the wrong time and desirable peices have to be passed by.
Talked with a fellow in Washington last year who swore that he sold some of the 'music wire' 9mm in the KT area in the 70s. Would love to find one of those.
By the way, I have several revolvers that take the half or full moon clips, including a SP101, S&W 940, 610, 1917, Thunder Ranch, .45ACP Mt. gun, Taurus 5 shot in .45acp, and several converted Weblys.
Terry T