How rare is a 9mm, 4" blued Service Six?

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Terry T

Oct 17, 2006
I know 'rare' is a relative term but --- anyone have a feel for this?
They were on the cover of the 1981 and later Law Enforcement cataloges.
Terry T
Terry T,
You ask so my $0.02 worth.
I consider ALL D/A Ruger in the Six series in 9mm to be Scarce to Very Rare.
My notes (which need updated) show that the SDA-94 you are inquiring about and the SS-92 were first produced in 1976 through 1978 skipped 1979 and resumed in 1980 through 1982, this is far as my notes go. I presume that the bulk of these were for LE & Over Seas contracts with the number sold to the public limited (?).

The SS-94, GS-92 were in production from 1980 through 1982, I have the only SS-94 reported to the RENE (see prior post). I consider it to be very rare.(I have only seen two) so I would also consider the SDA-94 Rare.

I bid early on the gun that WMG is referring to at what I considered a fair price for the gun due to the shape it was in, I intended to use it as a shooter but moved on to another.

If my info is incorrect I'm sure WMG, RugerRat or Chet15 will chime in.
hope this helps you answer your question.

Did you buy the gun in question??
Not much gets by you guys. :shock:

I will say that the gun in question was the first I've seen. Condition appears to be more 'shooter grade' than collector grade, for sure. I think the price was a bit on the high side (maybe as much as 20%) but I've come to the conclusion that it's just not worth quibbling over a few $ when you want it and the item seems to be few and far between. One can always upgrade later if a nicer one presents its self.
I just tell myself that I just bought too soon, I didn't pay too much. :oops:

Back to the original question - How often do folks run across these? I've seen the 9mm Speed Sixs show up from time to time but this was the first Service Six I've seen.

Terry T
I've got a nice SDA-94H that is only a few digits off from the auction gun, mine is 161-05373 so there must have been a contract run in that range. I gave $445 for mine but neglected to note the date (it wasn't more than a year or two ago though).

Terry T, I did not realize you bought the auction gun, as all we can see are first and last characters of the username. I figured you were talking about that one, but had presumed that it being in Michigan was a deal breaker as far as actually buying it.
The close ser. no. does suggest a contract run. Do you know any history for yours? Would be nice to make a law enforcement connection.
I still have the feeling that these are hard to find. Besides the one you bought and this one, how many have you run into over the years? You've been after the six series longer than I have. This is the first one I've come across.
"Rarity" is not always the same as price. I really wasn't asking how much they are worth so much as how often they show up.

One of these days when I'm in the East, I'll have to wander through Vermont.
Terry T
"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns".
Terry T, another RF member has a boxed SDA94H but I never noted his SN. I did pass your gun's SN on to chet15 about a week ago when it first came up.

I don't know that I've really been chasing the DA's much longer than you have, though I have owned a few since the late 70's and appreciated the ones my dad owned (that I now own) since the early 70's. I stumbled onto a few rare ones (Secret Service demo round butt sandblasted blackened stainless GA32 in box/shipper and Treasury Department letter, "U" marked GS33PS overrun that letters as GS33P but is in a PS box/shipper with the "S" crossed out, and a SS32L military overrun in box/shipper) all in one day in 2003. Bought those and tucked 'em away but didn't really start intentionally looking for the DA's until 2006.

Anyway, I think I've now seen 4 of the SDA94H and one SDA94 skinny tube (which I probably should have bought but didn't because it was priced higher than my limit). I also recall seeing a beat up SDA92 on one of the auction sites a few years back - that gun had some miles on it and aftermarket rubber grips, I guess it was around 75% finish and no box.

I've got two stainless GF92's, one each round and scalloped recoil shield models. There was one more that came and went here on RF making a total of 3 of those that I have seen.
weaselmeatgravy":1qcutkm6 said:
which I probably should have bought but didn't because it was priced higher than my limit

Uh, what's this Limit thing? I always thought "the sky's the limit"!!!
And, I know I'm speaking for a few others.......


Thanks Bob,
Sounds like they are few and far between. 4 sighted in 3 to 4 years of watching is not very many. The Ruger Law Enforcement Cataloges have them on the cover so the thought would be that they were aimed at that market. One wonders how many were actually sold to American agencies.


I'm just a working stiff so the lower price, not so nice condition, ones drift into my collection. It's all relative. No one expects a Colt collector to have an original, NIB, Walker, now do they? Even so, there are days when the 'gun fund' is empty at the wrong time and desirable peices have to be passed by.

Talked with a fellow in Washington last year who swore that he sold some of the 'music wire' 9mm in the KT area in the 70s. Would love to find one of those.

By the way, I have several revolvers that take the half or full moon clips, including a SP101, S&W 940, 610, 1917, Thunder Ranch, .45ACP Mt. gun, Taurus 5 shot in .45acp, and several converted Weblys.
Terry T
OH WOW! Does that mean you have one? :shock: Or just the best photo I've ever seen of the system?
Thanks for sharing!

T A Workman, I'll be passing through Ohio 8/31 on I-80.

Terry T
Pilorget, not Pilarjet. Andre Pilorget from France! ... c=abstract

Yes, the Pilorget gun is one of two Ruger DA's where I had to break my spending limit. The other time I broke my limit was a technical foul as it was only the shipping charge that sent that one over the limit. The skinny barrel SDA94 was a full 50 bucks over the limit so I passed it up. If it had been boxed I would have made another exception.
Again, thanks for the link!
So - how well does it actually work?
It looks to me like the last round in might be a bit tight as the 'music wire' spring would not have much room to move.
Terry T
Had seen a reference in RENE on page 2211 about the SS94 guns, did a search on the site and saw the reference to the "Pilorget" patent. What is the value of the gun shown in the photo by WMG?

How many of these are out there?
SteelShooter, that gun I showed is the only one I've seen. Chet15 has another noted in RENE. I'm not sure they ever sold any but they may have made a few more prototypes. I suppose that ultimately, Ruger decided it was either too costly to produce or too costly to license someone else's patented idea.

That gun in my pic is a 150 prefix early frame. The one in RENE is a 153 prefix revised frame.
Does your question imply that you have one?
If so, we want to know more!

I've talked to a fellow at a Washington gun show who said he sold several in the Kt. area in the late '70s. Don't know if he was just 'BS'ing or not.

I'm surprised that 'Weaselmeatgravy's' is an early, low back, frame. These were announced in the 1975 time frame. Have you been told what the shipping date was? It also supports the notion that Ruger had some early frames laying around after sales stopped.

The advantage of the Pilorget patent was only the use of the rimless cartridge. The half moon clip added the additional advantage of fast reloading. I'm sure it was also cheaper to manufacture, as 'Weaselmeatgravy" pointed out. By the way, S&W released the patent for the half moon clip into the public domain during WWI as part of the war effort.

I believe Charter Arms announced last year that they were going to begin manufacturing revolvers that will take rimless cartridges without half moon clips. I've not seen any yet. I don't think they will take off - just too easy to make and use the moon clips. Still, a compact revolver in .40S&W does have an appeal to me.

Terry T

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