How many high cap mags are enough for you?

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I was aware of those. Like I said it is ironic that I'm fine with the 7 round magazines.

I also have 2 10 round magazines if I need them. I don't carry 1911's very often.
My carry piece is a Colt Combat Commander .45 ACP with an S&W M60 .38 Spl. as back up gun. So far I haven't needed either one but I still am a don;t leave home without it kind of guy.
Paul B.
For all my center fire handguns, I have 5 or more. I would have more but all but one are HK's- and they ain't cheap. I keep 2 loaded.

I am down to 2 AR15's- both 5.56. For those two I have almost 80 mags, 20 and 30 round, all loaded up. They are either PMags or Lancer L5 AWM's, anbout evenly split.

I just got my Mini14 last summer, so for it there's 2- 20's, a 10 and a 5.

2 mags for my MKIV and 2 for my American .22 bolt gun.

2 speed loaders for my S&W Model 38.

Everything else is either a lever gun or a pump gun. Or single action.

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