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Aug 20, 2006
soda springs, idaho
Happy holidays to all! I'm giving away a Lyman All American turrent press to someone on the Ruger forum. Its a 4 hole tool head, I've had it for many years & although its been used, I've never used it, bought it this way & its headed for a new home.....but, as always, you've got to earn it.

Here's the deal, you're bear hunting in Idaho, its a beautiful spring day, the wild onion's are up, the grass is green & the bears are moving! You've spotted what looks like a large color phase boar, he's worked his way into a small patch of blow down (fallen logs) but you can see him pretty good from your vantage point across the canyon. You are using a Ruger 44 magnum, iron sights & a 250 gr Keith running 1200 fps & you are confident of your shooting ability out to 50-60 yds.
The wind is blowing left to right & he seems to be taking a nap. There is quite a bit of additional blow down above him & on each side the ground looks to be covered with a lot of dry pine needles, below him is wide open with just one large, lone pine tree about 50 yds below the napping bear, its starting to get late, you have about 1 hr to make a decision......... which way do you approach the bear.


We'll run this Karma until wednesday & someone will get a nice turrent press!

Well, I don't need the press,, so let it go to someone else,, but I just have to play. That is,, if I'm correct in your judgement.)
With the bear napping,, I know a couple of things,, it's getting late,, and he's gonna wake up soon for his nightly foraging. Plus,, the air currents will be rising a bit,, so I would hurry across the canyon,, staying to the right & try to approach him from slightly above him. The dry pine needles won't be a big problem,, as I'd plan on skirting the edge of the blow down to reach him.
The only drawback is you didn't mention how far across the canyon he is. If it's too far to make a quick trip across the canyon (on the right side,,, and out of sight over a rise,) until I was about 300-500 yds away before I started my stalk,, I'd pass the shot.
Or,, I might make my way to the right lower area below him,, set up in a good cover spot,, & try to call him in with a wounded fawn in distress call. He'll come a charging down toward ya most likely then,, if he thinks he's gonna get a free meal.
But I prefer the sleeping stalk better.
I'm good on presses but I just have to comment. Let sleeping bears lie. I go the other way and find a bar. Steve :lol:
Nice Karma! I'm trying to help a buddy get started so if I win, I'll give it to him.

To me, its unsporting to shoot something that doesn't at least have a good chance of getting away, so if it were sleeping I would leave it. Otherwise, I'd try a few quick calls to bring it in. Bait and dogs are illegal to hunt with here.
First off bears can always flee and they never sleep that soundly in the day so it will be sporting for sure.

If the wind would allow you to approach using the tree as cover that would be a good tactic. The bears eye sight is not great so a little movement through a tree shouldn't spook it. That direction is across the most open terrain and hence the quietest approach as well. With bears you can risk being see some, perhaps being heard a little but if your scent gets to them you are done!

The tree is at a good distance and makes a good marker as well, locating game once you cross a canyon can be tricky as everything looks different than you expect it to look. If you make the tree successfully the 50 yard shot should be very make able for my 44sp running Keith loads in it! If you spook the bear your vantage point would be open enough to see where it heads and give you the chance to try and change tactics and get ahead of the bruin, maybe...

But it the end it would just be a lot of fun to try...
Holster the gun, belly crawl up the right side of the photo using the brush to get the wind dead in your face. Once the wind is dead in your face keep crawling up until you feel comfortable with the shot, when you feel comfortable you are in the most accurate shooting position, prone. Take your time, use a pack or stick to rest the pistol. Slowly pulling the hammer back the cylinder stop pawl makes the first click followed by the cylinder locking into battery, then the final snap of the hammer and trigger mating in single action configuration. The bear awakes from his slumber as you let the hammer fall it ignites the CCI LP primer which in turn lights off a moderate load of 2400. As Elmer Keith's creation leaves the barrel it rolls past the crown and proceeds on its way to a combination heart/double lung shot made possible because of the curled bear.

Now the real work begins on your new trophy.
As I got into your story felt like I was listening to a Tom T. Hall song as it rolled out so well!!! Have you considered writing for a living??? :) Clayton Delaney could have sung along with you!!!
woodpile":26ehppm1 said:
I'm good on presses but I just have to comment. Let sleeping bears lie. I go the other way and find a bar. Steve :lol:

Amen brother!
I'd toss the Ruger on the ground, pull out my knife, and charge him screaming like a wild Indian. I'm betting my charge along with the loud screaming would disorient the bear long enough to make my killing thrust. :D
mraywi":1odto2zd said:
As I got into your story felt like I was listening to a Tom T. Hall song as it rolled out so well!!! Have you considered writing for a living??? :) Clayton Delaney could have sung along with you!!!

Well thank you :D . I generally dislike writing, but I do love to sneak up on critters on my belly.
Well, I could really use a torret press, but, I have never had any desire to mess with a bear, kinda scared of 'em, so what I would do is turn around and go back the way I came. :oops: Now if it was a buck, and I was sure he was napping, I would use the tree, and sneak up on 'em. :)
Well, I determined that hunting black bear in Idaho is legal at that time period. I also, learned that you are best served to take the Montana Bear Identification Test so that you know the difference between black bears and grizzly bears. So, if you've done that, the first thing you have to do is to determine if it is a black bear or a grizzly. Also, insure that there are no cubs around (you can't shoot a female with young). If a male black bear, then work your way so that you are downwind and slowly work your way to your comfortable shooting range. I've never hunted bear in Idaho (or anywhere else for that matter) so this is just an semi-educated guess.

If it's a grizzly, just say "Oh well", leave the sleeping bear lay and go report it to the Idaho Fish and Game people.

That's my answer and I'm sticking to it.
Well, there'd be no point in me trying to get closer to the bear as I don't have a reloading press and so I wouldn't have a 250 gr Keith to run at 1200 fps and factory ammo is just too expensive. So I'd just have to hang my head, wipe a tear from my eye and trudge silently home, hoping Santa won't forget me again next year, as I watch my wife and children go with out meat, yet again.

Unfortunately I was a victim of identity theft in 1999 and as a result of the person's actions who stole my ID, my name got onto Santa's "naughty list". You know what it's like with these darn computer lists, they get sold from one company to the next and it just goes round and round in circles. Once your name gets wrongly placed on the "naughty list" it's just seems it's impossible to get it removed and put back on the "nice" list.

I've been contacted by a company called Robin, Bastard, Elves, who claim they can solve the problem through the special contacts they have with the Santa Organization, but they want $250 upfront before they'll do anything. What should I do? has anyone heard of, or used Robin, Bastard, Elves?. For 10 years now my stocking has been empty on Christmas morning, with no sign of any Lyman Presses, or any of the other reloading supplies that I carefully list each year in my letter to Santa.

By this time next year, if things haven't improved, I'd probably charge the bear empty handed, in an attempt to bring a swift end to my miserable Lymanless life - is there no one who can help?
The best way to approach the bear? Definitely from the front. It would require a good clean shot, cause at 50 yards, you wouldn't have time for too many shots on a charging bear, and I'd hate to just make him mad. What a great Karma. Thanks, Kevin
Approach from down wind and hope to get within range before he moves. Take pictures before stalk so you have something in case he wanders off and you get skunked. Bears have territories and this may be worth visiting again. If skunked, you had a chance at a great bear-enjoyed to outdoors and have a story to share. greg
With the wind blowinf left to right and getting late in the day I would head straight lookin to stay as much behind that pine as I could while trying to keep the buin in sight. Late in the day staight in he should not wind ya with the wind going lft to rt.

The dry pine needle are helpfull in my opinion if they come into play. Head strait in to the lone pine movin quickly and quietly get to the Lone Pine and good nite Yogi. the blow downs above him or to the lft or rt. should not come into play excepting getting him out. ps.
I think I would head straight for him, using the lone pine as cover. Once I reached the pine, I would evaluate the distance and determine if it would be a comfortable shoot. I wouldn't want to chance a wild shot on such a magnificent animal and risk wounding him. It would have to be a well placed shot.

Deciding to get closer for a better sot, I would verify that he is still docile and then quietly slither from behind the tree. Carefully and silently placing each step, I would continue directly in the bear's direction with my pistol drawn and ready.

As I approach an estimated 45 yards, the bear starts to stir and takes foot in the same direction that it was facing, providing me with a beautiful side profile shot. I quickly raise the big Ruger magnum and draw a bead just behind the animal's shoulder. As I cock the hammer back, my focus tightens into a long tunnel stretching from the end of the barrel to the intended point of impact. Everything goes quiet. I concentrate on my heavy breathing and the only thing I can hear is the deafening sound of my heart beating deep inside my chest. "Wow...this is the shot of a lifetime!" I think to my self as my finger gently squeezes the trigger and the hammer releases with a light click.

With the hammer now free, my weak side thumb gently lowers it back to the double action position and I slowly lower the big revolver and quietly slide it back into my holster as the bear starts to trot to his next destination, still unaware of me and my previous intentions. I just stand and watch the creature go about his business of forging for food in the timberland...without a care in the world.

Instead of a thunderous, life ending shot, I decided to pull out my camera and shoot a few photographs before the last light of the day fades away. This bear will live another day. For me, I can die at any time as a happy man.

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