Hogue Grips for Single Six Bisley

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Nov 1, 2008
Is anyone aware of Hogue or Hogue-type grips made for a Bisley Single Six? Love the gun, but the grips slide all around in my hand. Thanks.
None for the Bisley. With that grip frame it's supposed to roll, hence the use for that style on the heavier recoiling chamberings. Basically held to that style panels. Maybe look into some checkered ones for a bit more gription.
Here's something for the slippy-slidey feel: Try Butcher's Bowling Alley Wax. A thin coat will give you enough grip to assure consistency. Warning - too much and you make the wood slippery. If it happens, just clean the excess off with turpentine.

I use this wax on all my SA guns' grips. It grips OK, and then lets go when the gun recoils. No recoil in the .22, but I still like the way the grip feels with this wax.
I don't know if the Single Six Bisley Grip is different than the other Bisley grips or not, I only have a Bisley in Super Blackhawk Hunter. Hogue shows 8 different bisley grips on their web site, www.getgrip.com