Hickok 45 on the Glock 19 of Revolvers

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Well......I own two Glocks with one being a G19 Vickers Edition.....I own three GP100s and a Security Six 2.75 inch.....

If I had to choose, I believe in a very fictional way my Security Six is closer to my G19 than the GP100s.

I do have a cherry S&W Model 19-5 but it is way too beautiful to consider it a Glock....not to mention it's sensitive and it feelings would be hurt.....the Security Six don't give a frig about feelings.......
Some folks might suggest that the S&W Model 19 is the Glock 19 of revolvers...

Are we talking older M19s, or current production M19/66 with MIM parts and the lock?

Because I think I'd rather have a GP-100 if buying new, over the current M19 / M66 / M686.

Mind you, I like my Airweight, and tend to answer the "S&W vs Ruger" question with "Yes." But I do have a glaring hole in my personal collection marked "double-action .357" and a GP is right there at the top of the list.
Are we talking older M19s, or current production M19/66 with MIM parts and the lock?

... But I do have a glaring hole in my personal collection marked "double-action .357"
and a GP is right there at the top of the list.

I was mostly having fun with the "19" model number, although when I was young, I think an awful lot of LEOs carried Smith 19s, and I'm guessing equal numbers may carry Glock 19s today.

FWIW, my personal favorite "double-action .357" is an old Dan Wesson "pork chop", which is somewhat modular like Glocks (and has a very nice trigger ;^), but enough of a 'rare bird' that I can't really compare 'em to Glocks.

As always IMHO, FWIW, YMMV, etc., etc...
Tried Glocks. Hated the grip angle. I don't doubt the reliability, they're just not for me. Eventually I found my way to HK. This was many years ago- and I have never had a single malfunction on any of them with thousands of rounds fired. And I love the paddle mag release. When I first investigated HK's, it was at the advice of a LEO friend with a military background. At that time, HK was the choice of special forces. Good enough for me. Plus, every HK has the same DNA inside. The USP, P2000, P30, and HK45 are all pretty much the same under the skin.
Never did care for Glocks, mainly because they have that peculiar barrel rifling that nobody else uses. Although it's an easy way for the police to know if a Glock is used in a crime.
I've never warmed up to the glocks. But i did fall dead in love with my Service Six.
Nowadays I would not hesitate to wager that there are far more G19s in SOCOM armories than MK23 MOD "whatever" it could be up to by now.
Agreed 100%. I was referencing when the HK45C was used by Seal Team 6. The HK45 and HK45C are my favorites. The MK23 is a beast of a pistol- I'm a big guy and it feels huge to me. The USP series is big enough. I committed heresy on both of mine and wrapped the grips with Talon grip tape. Much better. But the HK45 and the 45C are just about perfect. The 45C has a grip like the P2000 series, just larger. I EDC a P2000SK.
Nowadays I would not hesitate to wager that there are far more G19s in SOCOM armories than MK23 MOD "whatever" it could be up to by now.
There never were many mk23's in the armory to begin with. It was a special piece intended for tier 1 use, not general issue.

The G19 is a standard issue piece for the Rangers now. There's far more Rangers than tier 1 guys.

A typical training protocol for the mk23 mod 0 used to be about 5000rds. Rangers get 250 a year for their Glocks. World of difference.
Agreed 100%. I was referencing when the HK45C was used by Seal Team 6. The HK45 and HK45C are my favorites. The MK23 is a beast of a pistol- I'm a big guy and it feels huge to me. The USP series is big enough. I committed heresy on both of mine and wrapped the grips with Talon grip tape. Much better. But the HK45 and the 45C are just about perfect. The 45C has a grip like the P2000 series, just larger. I EDC a P2000SK.
Yup. I think, from some interviews I watched with NSW types and talking to some folks the MK23 DEVGRU use more marketing ploy than what it actually was. I agree, although I never owned one, the one I shot seemed gigantic. I didn't care much for it.
So many people aren't getting the point 🙄
Good point;) but what IYO is the point? Dependability, popularity, sales numbers, etc. ?

I immediately went to the dependability thing as the Gl. 19 is so much so & think that, is job 1 in the first place, but that thought could could have steered me off the point .

I did watch the vid but like many of his, I sometimes don't get his point or wish he'd just come out & say it. His beating around the bush while not trying to sound too opiniated leaves a lot of the question far too wide open.
Glocks are the front wheel drive South Korean sedan of the gun world.
Not destined to be passed down as many heirloom gifts.
S. Korean sedans wish they were as dependable as Glocks.

Heirloom? Here grandson, take this Ivory gripped & engraved Colt. Enjoy it's looks & feel while you swirl your brandy in the snifter.
Glock. Grandson, times are gettin tough. Take this Glock & protect yourself & your family.

Harsh reality. Wish we all could enjoy the heirlooms for generations. But a dependable side arm seems to be more important these days.
I know for a fact my kids have been talking about my collection and what's happening to it when I run out of time. My youngest Son is designated in will to receive it all, aside from a couple already claimed by my Daughters, and.....my Son-N-Law the K9 Cop is like a vulture flying around with an eye on those Glocks. He is a die hard Glock fanatic. I haven't told him that they will be his. I'm just letting him baste for awhile. I swear if his Dept ever moves away from Glock he will be heartbroken.

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