Hickok 45 on the Glock 19 of Revolvers

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I actually like Glocks, and my current CC weapon is the Glock 43.
The first time I was exposed to the Glock was in the mid-80's and I was helping out part time in an indoor shooting range in Millington, TN. They catered to the local PD for practice and qualifications, and the Glock dealer came up from Memphis to demo the Glock to them. He pulled into the parking lot with six Glock 17's tied to the back bumper and dragging along the ground behind him. Every one of them shot and cycled a full magazine without a hitch.
He had probably only tied them on a block or so away, but it was still an impressive demo. I've had a few Glocks, the 17, 13, and 43, and all of them shoot better than I do. I have a few trophies I've won with my Glock 13.
I would have picked the S&W M10 or M65. over the GP100.
Yes. And Hickock has stated several times his 65 may be his favorite revolver, or something close to that. Before going to semi-autos most of the federal agencies went to one of the versions of the Model 65-blued or SS and fixed sights or adjustable. But Hickock is getting old and perhaps a bit forgetful. Wait a minute I just watched another one of his videos. I will stay with "a bit forgetful". :)
I trust Glocks nearly enough that if I found myself without a handgun & needed one badly
& on short notice, I would feel reasonably confident I could grab a brand new 19, load it & be ready for business.

An equivalent revolver? Black Hawk. After passing a quick inspection, one of them could be more dependable than any double action. I feel the same about Single Sixes over 22 auto's. They may be slow to load or unload, but if ya can get the cartridge shoved into the chambers & the cylinder turns it's likely gonna go bang.

Now, for the disclaimer. The above is a thought of an extreme condition. Otherwise I'd never carry something without it being fully tested first.
When Hickok45 stated in a video several years ago that the only brand gun that he would trust his life to, brand new, right out of the box, was a Glock, I decided to take a closer look. I now own a Glock 17 as my primary home defense gun, and a Glock 26 which is second only to my Ruger LC9s as my primary everyday carry. Neither Glock has ever failed to work perfectly.

As to revolvers, I doubt that I will ever own one that I value as much as my S&W Model 19, 4 inch, Nickel. I still think it is the standard of what a gun should look like.
In my opinion if there is a "Glock 19 of revolvers" it would be the Speed Six or a similar equivalent, ie: 3 inch barrel, round butt/compact grip like the 3 inch GP with compact grips or a Smith model 66 with 2.75 or 3 inch barrel. A little shorter barrel, a little shorter grip, same capacity as their bigger siblings (since a 19 is close anyway and can accept 17 mags) and still almost a full size gun. The Speed Six and compact GP are to the Security Six and standard GP what the Glock 19 is to the Glock 17. Handles almost as well as the full size and conceals a little bit easier. The SP101 might be able to be in that conversation but I don't think it qualifies, the most common SP is the snubby and you can't give it the same capacity as it's bigger brother. The SP would be closer to the Glock 26 of revolvers.

It is definitely an apples and oranges comparison, and a fully loaded GP100 (full size grips, 4 inch or longer barrel, adjustable sights) is no where close to being the "Glock 19 of revolvers".
What's a glock? ... Oh, yeah, one of those semi-auto thingies. Never fired one.

I have one of those .44 Special GP-100s. Don't care for it as much as my SAs of course, but... It'll do the job. Mine has the gold dot up front which I prefer. I put some wood Badger grips on it as the large wood grip would not be 'concealable' if CCing. Stay away from rubber if all possible. With the Skeeter load it is a handful. But then, it isn't my range gun anyway.


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