Help with gp100 jamming

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Aug 27, 2013
Hi Everyone, I recently purchased a new gp100 & after using it at the range the first time, I immediately encountered a problem. It seems the revolver refuses to rotate on the last round. It just won't cock on the last round.

I've spinned it a few times with 100 rounds & it doesn't seem to related to a particular spot on the cylinder. It does this in single and double action mode. I was using federal 38 special and sellior bellot 38 specials.

Is it the ammo? If it's the heat, why the last round? Has anyone seen anything like this before?

Would appreciate any assistance before I ship it back to the factory.
GP-100's have tight tolerances. Build up of residue, and heat close the gap more. My GP wouldn't let me use my friends reloads (it took care of me)for the same reason. All though they ran fine in his Colt Python. You of course are using commercial rounds. Is this the last round of 6, or the last round of a box?
It happens on the 6th round 99% of the time. It's totally new & totally clean. I ran 100 rounds through it & always jams on the 6th round. It won't let me cock all the way. I do release the trigger all the way. I also put 1000s of rounds through my 686 w/o issues.

It's very disappointing cause my gp100 looks & feels fantastic :-(
rugerocks said:
It happens on the 6th round 99% of the time. It's totally new & totally clean. I ran 100 rounds through it & always jams on the 6th round. It won't let me cock all the way. I do release the trigger all the way. I also put 1000s of rounds through my 686 w/o issues.

It's very disappointing cause my gp100 looks & feels fantastic :-(

Did you give it a good cleaning under the ejector? fouling tends to build up under there, looks clean from the top so lots of people don't think to clean underneath, this is usally the cause of many D/A problems till shooters learn to clean under there.
Just a thought.... I would try this. Load only five shells and close the cylinder with the empty chamber under the firing pin. Shoot all them and see if the cylinders empty chamber comes up without binding. Possibly a fired case catching on a bump on the recoil shield??? Like I said,just a thought.
Can you dry fire the gun ok? Put some spent cases in the gun and dry fire again to see if one of the cases sits a little high for some reason. Look carefully and see what is actually stopping the rotation. Check the B/C gap. Might be a problem with the pawl and ratchet. Is there anyone you know that is familiar with revolvers? :shock: :D
Check to see if the hammer strut is facing the correct way. I had a very similar issue when I accidentally put mine in backwards after changing the spring.
good call as the strut placed in opposite side would cause the hammer to be UBER rough if work at all and there by restrict the cylinder function.

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