help me with ,m77 in 280 with a heavy bbl ????

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Feb 3, 2006
uniontown pa
i found a heavy bbl m-77 made in 1980 [serial 74-789XX] in 280 caliber gun is in nice shape [very clean small handling scratches and dents ], no box or scope rings, is it worth 400.00?
and did they make many heavy bbls ?

Hi around here it is rare to find any 77 rugers less than $ 400 anymore I havent seen a heavy barreled 280 in sometime mostly 220 swifts and
25 06s I would think that is a fair deal

Very fair price. Lots of them in Tucson in the 1985 time frame, and they were sold at that time for $225 to 265 by John Miller who had a small but dynamic gun shop on North Campbell. I recall them being sold very competitively by Ruger distributor Western Hoegee on a closeout package. Great caliber and should be a fine rifle. 8) I do no tthink a large run of them and they seemed to be less than popular in that period. Ala 280 Rem., 7MM Express, leading to "what is the real ID of this round?"
My brother still has one. He finally sdecided it was a coyote rifle and quit packing it over hill and dale. He did however keep it.

Ruger doesn't say how many were made but in my experience there has never been a shortage of them on the market.

Worth the $400 certainly unless condition sucks but there are enough of them tht they will nevr be rare ofr really valuable.


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