Help Me Identify This Bayonet

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Jul 29, 2007

Hoping someone can provide some insight for me as to what the origins of this bayonet are. I have had it for many, many years. Picked it up in an antique store a very long time ago and have had it laying around since.

The overall length is 20-5/8 inches long

The blade length is 15-3/4 inches long



There's a faint marking on this side...looks like I can make out the letters "RIA", but that's all...the rest is worn away :


Here's another marking...looks like all I can make out are a "1" and perhaps two "4" characters :



Would be great if someone could advise on what type of bayonet it is and when it was likely used.


Just a guess but could the RIA be the end of "AUSTRIA"?
If you can, take a look at the area under a low power microscope. You may be able to see a little more.
That's what I had also thought about the "...RIA"...maybe was AUSTRIA.
But didn't want to influence the responses, so open to any and all ideas and insights.


RIA could stand for Rock Island Arsenal making it a US bayonet of some sort but I don't recognize it as one.

Not much help am I?

Looks like a heavily worn example of a Spanish Model 1913 bayonet for their M93 Mauser. The "RIA" is the tail end of the word "ARTILLERIA".

See an example here of one of three types of markings for this model bayonet: ... BA2732.jpg

It is definitely not Austrian. Not only does it not match the pattern of any Austrian bayonet, the word "Austria" is our deriviation of their country's name. Anything they marked themselves would be "Osterreich."
I think you might be on to something with that.

I also found these links : ... =139018336

Which says it's for the 1913 Spanish Mauser.

Looks an awful lot like mine...the one I have has more wear on it and I don't have the scabbard for it. The wooden handle on mine is worn more, so you no longer notice the checkered pattern on the handle like in the other pictures.

It's looking more like this is what it is...a bayonet for the Spanish Mauser. From what I've see, depending on condition, and whether it has the scabbard or not, they sell them in the $50 - $135 range.
I have one almost exactly like it! Bought it in 1966, when I was 12, in a tourist trap gift shop in Gatlinburg for the grand sum of $2. They had a basket of the things, half of them like this, the other half shorter--about half the length. I figgered, for the same price, might as well get the big one. Have often wondered what it's for--always assumed was some sort of Mauser.
Well, I figure if they're selling around the $30-ish range in that shape and with scabbard, the one I had would be about $12 - $15 bucks...which is in range of what we paid for it all those years back, which I recall to be around $10 - $12.

Never was bought with collecting or selling in mind...just a young kid who thought it looked cool. My Dad and I were visiting on old antique store and he bought it for me, and at the same time bought an old, large crock bottle for himself, which was labeled for an old church...the "Hey Brothers Church". Was a neat crock bottle with a threaded stopper that screwed into the top. The threaded stopper was completely formed from the same clay material.

Thanks all for the help to figure out what that bayonet was.

