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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
maybe a life lesson that some times there is a no-win situation? One of our problems I think as a society and specially a gun owning society is how we are conditioned to see things with TV and the movies... I was re-reading a manual on dry practice procedures and it pointed out how a handgun of any caliber is not the ideal tool to stop a threat and one shot for sure is more often than not going to do it. I've decided in the class I'm helping with when a student is commanded to engage a target it will always be 2-4 shots to center mass unless a head shot is called for and then it will also be a minimum of two. Of course the other instructor for this class took the 4 day training class with me a number of times and when ever they sent him into the house designed for this type thing he always shot the guy just standing there with a cell phone in his hand. He did this on purpose and explained why.....

The real reason for the two posters I've discussed is this is all supposed to be on the 2nd day and much more fun than the first day which will be just repetitive shooting and putting holes in boring paper targets.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I have a 'friend' who's been known to make a little shine and he is so contrary he actually will print out a label to put on the mason jar (he don't believe in putting the stuff in plastic) on the label is a description of his brew. this is in the vain of how wines have been described for years and now even liquor.... Here is his description:

"It has the flavor of the Appalachian Mountains.
Note its nose: much like a lazy old hound dog's sniffing his crotch
The tastes: is like a scalding kettle ready for a hog.
After taste: Old worn boots and spent gun powder shot from a long rifle at a revenuer. "

And the final note, and the comment above about Granny and the willow stick is what brought all this to mind"

"Don't blame me if it kicks your ass like your grandpa used to."
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
Granny might make you go out in back and get a willow stick, so she could beat your rear end with it!
Growing up in the 50's in SoCal many of my neighbors were transplants from other states.

Some moved here during the war to work in defense plants. Others moved in after the war looking for better living conditions. During their service quite a few folk "discovered" California.

I had one neighbor in particular that actually made her son "get a switch". Now this was back when a kid might get three spankings for a single transgression. One from the parent who caught you, one from mom and one from dad. Learning the "hard way" left a lasting impression. Of course none of us ended up in prison though sadly a couple did die.

I didn't realize it until I was older, but getting the switch was as powerful as having it applied to your backside.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I'm actually curious to hear the reasoning behind shooting cell phone dude. 🙂
The senireo is you come home and as you pull up in the drive you see three gang members or such with guns going into your house where your wife and daughter are there and no one else is supposed to be there... my buddie's defense is the guy was not supposed to be in his house, don't know who he is and why he's there. My justification the last time I did it and also shot the guy with the cellphone is he was one of the gang bangers and was calling his other buddies for help. But keep in mind there is no pass or fail on this one, just an evaluation and one of the few issues I had with the old Front Sight training was some of the California Lawyering that was taught... one of the times when I did the house thing I shot an obvious bad guy ... two rounds to the head. The instructor said I would be charged with murder for that. Their teaching was you only went to a head shot after not stopping the threat with two or more to center mass.... here's just one of the problems with their 'logic' with that... just one.. .on the first day and the first morning they explain that in a deadly encounter your accuracy is going to be about 50% as good as your best day at the range.... two to the head could by that accounting have been meant for the chest.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
everybody shot Granny... the situation which I explained on that one was you are headed home and your wife calls and says the hoodlums living next door have just taken over your back yard pool and are drunk and crazy and shooting off guns... then your wife screams and says her mother has just driving up and is getting out the car with some stranger... the back ground is you & your wife have not seen or had anything to do with her for over 20 years and she has been in and out of prison several times as well as a mental hospital.

I've posted the link before but here is a video of some of what went on in the class.



Aug 7, 2023
everybody shot Granny... the situation which I explained on that one was you are headed home and your wife calls and says the hoodlums living next door have just taken over your back yard pool and are drunk and crazy and shooting off guns... then your wife screams and says her mother has just driving up and is getting out the car with some stranger... the back ground is you & your wife have not seen or had anything to do with her for over 20 years and she has been in and out of prison several times as well as a mental hospital.

I've posted the link before but here is a video of some of what went on in the class.

You shot the Bikini Babe right in the Nose !!!
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
that was one of my best friends the retired Marine Gunny.... if you read the caption while he is going out the back door, his wife had seen that target and told him he better shoot her. (Actually she used a word that many of y'all use when referring to Hillary) "You better shoot that!"
I stole the picture of bikini babe off the internet and then removed the copyright lines and labels off of it and then the Gunny had them printed for the class as well as Granny. Only he and another guy in the class knew about either the Granny or Bikini Babe targets.... those and the others were all a surprise to the other students. I did do clear tape overs of the holes after each student went through the house.... I think next time we do it I'll replace Granny and Bikini Babe each time so the student can take those two targets home.

the interesting thing about the full color targets was that they are printed on both sides... one side is a shoot target and the other is the same person but a no shoot target... no gun.
I think I've figured out how to make a target stand with that type target so that all you have to do is turn it around from the no shoot one to the shoot one and it will make it easier and faster to change out the 'room'. We went through three different drills individually for each student on this one.