OK, here goes. I was trying to remove the flash hider on my SR-22 so I could install a gemtech silencer. I have worked on 10-22's before so I knew to remove the barrel from the receiver, then remove the flash hider. Well, I got impatient and decided to forgo removing the barrel. I carefully clamped the barrel portion in a smooth vise with soft jaws. I didn't want to heat up the flash hider too much because I didn't want to ruin the finish.
Well, let me tell you, that thing was on TIGHT! Had to put a lot of torque on it and in doing so the barrel slipped in the vise and rotated, the receiver just below the barrel caught on the edge of the vise, and SNAP!. It was a sickening sound.
I wound up removing the barrel anyway and had to heat the flash hider till it was a dull red to get it off. My own damn fault. I know better! Should have done it that way in the first place and I would be happily shooting my new gun and complaining how tight that damn thing was.
Oh well, an expensive lesson for me. I can talk about it now because I have cooled off considerably. I will keep the broken parts above my workbench for a long time to remind myself the next time I get impatient!
I will call Ruger on monday and see what they can do for me.
Thanks too all on your replies.