Hawkeye serial numbers

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# 2516
Ruger Old Army steel grip frame fitted in the white and polished but decided not to blue it.

Has the steel ER Housing and the removable breechblock lock button.

#2810 w box and papers currently is stored in Springbranch Tx.
Seen a guy at local shop today with #3083 with nice box,warranty card,instructions and scope mount.
Someone did solder a bead site on the front,overall a nice package.
#46 New in box will be at Poulin's Auctions in October along with many other #46 Rugers. I have #124 Hawkeye with box. Also, the scope mount with "Hawkeye" on it was made by Bushnell for the first series Bushnell Phantom pistol scopes. The Pantoms were offered in two series; the first had a large turret section that incorporated a clamp for the base as mentioned. Later they made the Magnum series that required a double grooved type clamp or to be used with the special mounts they made for Ruger revolvers with protected sights, Colts, plus Smith & Wesson. These bases for the later series required drilling and tapping one extra hole in the topstrap which is why you see so many Old Model Rugers ruined ( collector wise ) with that extra hole. They also made a two-piece mount for doing odd applications such as a Standard Auto or the topstrap of a Single-Six with drift adjustable rear sight (or any other round top application ). The ones for the XP-100 were marked "XP-100" and I'm sure they had other markings for other applications. The bases were not packaged with the pistols. The Phantoms were offered in 1.3 or 2.5 power ( both first and second series; first series matte black, second were marked "Magnum" and gloss black ). Hope this helps.
Single digit serial number with box and shipping box just walked in at a show I'm doing. I'm trying to get it on consignment. If I do I'll post an update.
serial number 69.... Bill Ruger's Hawkeye Carbine in .221 Fireball.
serial number 2668 the only other Hawkeye chambered for .221 Fireball.