Hawkeye photo shoot

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Dec 5, 2002
Idaho falls, ID
To say it was a little addicting setting up and taking these pictures would be an understatement. For the Hawkeye we decided to go with a "Last of the Mohicans" theme and pulled out the Thomas Knapp bronzes. Ignore the fact the tribes represented are Great Plains and Southwest tribes and not Northeastern tribes. It took FOREVER to get the lighting right to at least give a small hint of the copper lightning strikes in the frame. A few things I would do differently in the set up but definitely learning as we go.



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    618.4 KB · Views: 44
I lerned a long time ago there is an art to takin pics of firearms. Good Job!!
Beautiful guns, and great pictures. It's amazing to see so many of them in one place. I just found one after never having seen one in almost 20 years of collecting
I watch dozens of Gunbroker auctions every week. At any given time it is not unusual for several Hawkeye pistols to be on offer. Many languish. I think this is often because the opening minimum bids are unrealistc.