Has anyone heard?

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May 19, 2009
Alanson Michigan
Has anyone heard if Ruger has plans for a compact auto in the .40 s&w?
I am interested in getting a conceal carry pistol. I am looking real hard at a Taursus Mill. Pro, but I am a little leary of it because of jamming issues.
So before I commit to buying the Taursus I was wondering if Ruger has any plans for coming out with a simular pistol.
Anyone know?
I haven't heard anything about one. I wouldn't be surprised for them to make one some day, but I have no idea when that may be or if it is something they're even considering in the near future. I wouldn't wait around for it though. Look around and get what fits you best.

You can always buy another gun! :wink:
I am looking at the taursus mil. pro. I was also looking at a glock the other day, but it was about $200.00 more than the taursus.
Hope to get something soon.
My son carries a Taurus PT-111 in .40 and it runs reliably and offers pretty good accuracy to boot!
Honestly, I'm not a fan of the .40 S&W round period. Ammo is more than 45 or 9MM. It's a sensitive round to reload as well. As for the Taurus M. Pros, my son has a 745, 45 ACP that's been a very reliable pistol and a compact 45 for carry. If Ruger brings out a new pistol I don't think it will be a 40 S&W, but a 9MM or 45 ACP.
I sure wish they'd come out with a compact 9mm. I'd love to have about a 3/4 scale P95, something about the size of my Bersa Thunder 9UC, polymer frame, DA/SA with a hammer. I'd jump on it!
ab4ka":3v8rwlgh said:
I sure wish they'd come out with a compact 9mm. I'd love to have about a 3/4 scale P95, something about the size of my Bersa Thunder 9UC, polymer frame, DA/SA with a hammer. I'd jump on it!

Since the LCP is almost a close of the Kal-tec, I'm wondering if Ruger will have a new compact 9 out shortly to compete with the new Kal-tec one.


If they do, perhaps they'll learn from the LCP, and copy a late-model PF9 (with the engineering fixes KT made). :D
I recently was shown a Taurus 9mm model that fairly closely copied the Walther PPS. I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar coming out from Ruger, S&W, etc, etc. The size makes a lot of sense for a lot of people.

The next step will be an even more compact one, along the lines of the Rohrbaugh, though I hope they somehow manage to stuff a recoil operated action in it.

-- Sam
stay away from the taurus if you plan to shoot on a regular basis. i had two pt 145 pro's and they were absolute gabarge. the more you shoot the worse they get.