Happy Happy day . I finally found my P series Unicorn .

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Good for you, and yes, thank you for your service, gotta love it when a plan works out, had a liking for them myself back then but when i got the P90 I had my eyes opened by one of our PD armorers, that turned me off, oh well still love my revolvers, and getting too old chance, retired my 1962 NM Colt and got the Ruger SR 1911 and that is it for me...............too many choices, too little time these days, my plate in retirement is full:cool::rolleyes:;)
What was the problem with the P90? I have one I bought from the original purchaser a couple of years ago.
........from what I recall from back then I had gotten one of the first ones in our shop, liked the concept of it being 45 acp, and stainless and handled well like the earlier P-85 and then the P -89 and I was NOT a lover of 9mm, as my gunsmith partner Walt had me reading one of I think it was Mausers books or bio or some such ( he had me read test results from White Labs back then too,,a real eye opener) and anyway the 9 mm was referred to as the 'Parabellum' , "made for war", and for us it should be a 45 acp., it was there at the PD range , two "tech" officers showed me right off that on the Ruger P-90, under the left grip panel was a spring, that arched across behind the grip panel and I believe is the disconnector?? anyway, if you twisted the magazine feeding it into the gun, or got any debris of any sort on the magazine as you were feeding it in, the "spring" could be caught and pushed up and off its notch in the grip frame???? you got a DEAD trigger??? impressed us, and not a good thing for duty /combat ( defense?) so the cops that were there were NOT impressed, and I never kept the gun after that, oh well...had to carry a S&W model 19 4 in for our first duty gun anyway...............still like my "six shooters" single or double action.....
and yes, I retired my Colt 1962 .45acp National Match and got a NEW Ruger SR 1911 to replace it for any "serious" carry, and so it goes to quote the late Wil Terry..:cool::rolleyes:;)