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Jan 1, 2006
I loaded 50 rounds with H110 yesterday and boy does that stuff meter well. Out of the 50 rounds I think I used the trickler on 5 of them. The rest were dead on. I wish all the powders I use metered this good. It actually saved time because I wasn't tricking the last few grains of each round. Yes,I weigh each round.
I can't wait to get to the range and try them out.
My most accurate load for the .44 mag is 23.5 gr of H110 pushing a 240 Sierra JHC. I have not taken any game with it yet, but I'm sure it won't be long.

Just make sure to crimp it nice and tight. Accuracy goes awry for some reason if you don't. My first experiments with H-110 suffered because I didn't.

Also, I like the "boom" it makes. It's no wimp, that's for sure.

Nimrod, I agree H110 is great to work with, usually a tenth or less variation. I check every round also, but I do it with a light, not a scale. Some people just like everything exact & there is nothing wrong with that at all, peace of mind is worth something.
I'm assuming you are using the exact same brass, not mixed, the brass is all trimmed to the same length, primers are seated with a hand tool with a dial indicator attached, you are using a 4 die setup where you seat & crimp seperately & the bullets are weighed before seating to make sure they are the same weight. Last, you are using another dial indicator to check your finished loads for runout. Then, after all this you are shooting your perfect loads in an iron sighted revolver with 5-6 seperate chambers.
I really did start out the same way you describe but got lazy over the years & realized I couldn't shoot the difference but we all have certain habits that we don't want to change. I do know you will never have a squib load or one that is overly hot, etc. the way you are reloading & are probably an excellent shot, so don't change anything.
My main excuse is, I can't see the sights, so I can always fall back on that.

It's been my experience that H110 and it's twin Brother, WW296, like "high loading density", i.e. little to no air space in which to burn.

Gilt edge accuracy has resulted from "upper end" loads. Do not even consider loading "down" with these powders.

I've reduced the size of my expanders in my die sets so I get increased neck tension. I also religiously use a Lee Crimp Die. Both of these techniques improve the burning of the powder.



Dial indicator on your primer seater? Woo-woo, Sixshot, you're a perfectionist!
I really like 110 and 296 powders for top end 357 and 44 Magnum as well as Ruger only 45 Colt loads. I agree with Flatgate, a Lee Factory Crimp Die is my preferred method of getting the correct crimp.
I have to agree with you guys. I find that H110 and also WW296 meter well extremly well thru my Dillon powder measures and it is my powder of choice for my 44Mags and M1 Carbine.

Walk softly and carry a big stick. TR
Life Member NRA
Well...My cases are all the same make,and I do use a handpriming tool,but without a gage attatched I just make sure that the primers are below flush. My die set is a RCBS 3 die carbide set. I put a good crimp on the cartridges using the seater/crimp die. I check the over all length using a stainless dial caliper,I check the first 5 or 6 and after that I check every 10 to make sure that nothing changes. I notice that some of you use a seperate crimping die,is it recomended to do this with the H110? Oh yea, my loads are Hornady 240 gr. XTP/HP over 22.5 gr. of H110 with WLP primers lighting things off. I guess I should mention that I'm loading for .44 mag.
Nimrod, just joking a little about all the things we do to make our ammo shoot. There are lots of things that can make more difference than a tenth of powder. Use mixed brass, switch primers, different lot of powder, etc. Nothing wrong with weighing them if a person wants to.
Something else than can change the way a gun shoots/impacts is how you grip it. Many times in a pistol match I have observed shooters start hitting higher on their targets, the reason is fatigue. When you start to relax your grip a little, the gun tends to shoot higher.
Those of us using Dillon presses have 4 dies, so the bullet is seated with the 3rd die & then crimped with the 4th, many using single stage presses will also use a 4th stage, the reason is the loads are more uniform & therefore usually more accurate/reliable.


[This message has been edited by sixshot (edited 05-06-2007).]
Sixshot, Yea, I was reading your post and thinking "wow, he really does all that"? I never loaded H110 before so you got me thinking maybe I was doing something wrong. I have read, as Flatgate pointed out, that you should not do reduced loads with this powder.
I tried to get to the range today but the honey do list got in the way. Maybe someday this week after work I'll get there.
I use H110 & 2400 a lot. Hard to beat the old standby's!

Shoot straight and safe!

" A fine is a tax for doing wrong,
and a tax is a fine for doing
right! "
NRA Instructor
USPSA shooter
SASS shooter (Outlaw Joe Wales)
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Eagle Scout, BSA
Agree the H-110 is a good powder. I used to use it alot for my 357 Max (aka Mangle'ems), but now I use H-108 that I got from Graff and Sons for $50 per 8 pounds. It is a surpless military powder that was used to load 30 carbine and is very similar to 110. They sent a loading sheet with it. If you see H-108 at a reasonable price, don't fail to buy some.
There's another benefit to ball powders like H110 and W296.....they're not as hard on forcing cones and barrel throats as some of the faster propellants. A lot of folks assume because the charge weight and performance is better with H110/W296, that they'll wear the gun out quicker. I've found just the opposite. I think even John Linebaugh outlined this in one of his writings.

Like Flatgate said however, don't download with H110. Personally, I like 100% load density.

Lee Martin
I know this is an old Thread but it has some good info.

And I know we have all suspected that H-110 and W-296 were pretty much the same powder just not the same lot. Wellllllllllll

In the new Reloader Mag they say that now the H-110 and W-296 is the SAME powder and comes from the same spout.

So this is why I have gone from W-296 to H-110 as it is cheaper and the same exact stuff. :)

But now I have a question lol. Have you used H-110 in Plain Base Bullets for the .44 Mag and was it any good?
Mr. Tree":24qskepe said:
Agree the H-110 is a good powder. I used to use it alot for my 357 Max (aka Mangle'ems), but now I use H-108 that I got from Graff and Sons for $50 per 8 pounds. It is a surpless military powder that was used to load 30 carbine and is very similar to 110. They sent a loading sheet with it. If you see H-108 at a reasonable price, don't fail to buy some.

I'm very fond of H-110 and use it in almost all the mag loads. Especially 357 max & mag.
I have been looking for this H-108 that Mr. Tree speaks of but have had no luck. If it is truly a good powder and is good in 357 and the 30 carbine - then I want some, and 50 bucks for 8 lbs is a plus. Anybody else know of this stuff?
I agree with what every one else has said about h110 and 296 its been a favorite of mine for over 20 years. Thers been times I've strayed but I always come back to the ole favorite. How ever I use a redding profile crimp I've never tried the lee crimp

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