sargeny1, Speaking from the standpoint of an old gunsmith (42 years gunsmithing), I would have liked to have had the Kuhnhausen books in my "early" years for sure. I spent a lot of midnight oil learning the in's and out's of repairing the D, E and I Colt revolvers as well as many other guns. I can attest, that if you utilize "patience", his Colt revolver manuals (all of them) leave "nothing" out in repairing Colts! There are "two" gunsmiths who have had more of an impact on the gunsmithing field in the last 40 years than all the other gunsmiths put together including myself. They are, Jerry Kuhnhausen and J.B. Wood! Their books are like priceless gold to the professional as well as amateur. I would suggest you read Kuhnhausen's books thoroughly to gain a good basic knowledge of how the gun "works" before skipping around to the section your interested in working on! I once owned all of their books but sold them off with a huge gunbook collection I owned as one unit. I have since started to replace them and now own 18 books by those two authors and plan on getting "all" of them once again!..........................Dick :wink: