I put a set of silver-black laminates on mine...Ajax calls theirs "Black Silverwood" and which may indeed be mine...but for the life of me, I couldn't find a decent image on a single action--even Ajax' site. Scroll down on this page:
http://www.grips4guns.com/revolver/ruge ... 12603.html
They're not entirely dissimilar from some factory (online store) Bisley laminates and maybe SBHs or Hunters I've seen, but mine are much darker (than the typical Rugers or even site above) and therefore more subtle/less overtly visible grain (from a distance; up closer they're more distinct). You can find them at a number of online grip stores. I got mine at a local gun shop. In any event, I like 'em...overall color scheme pick ups up nicely on the "case colors." My particular app for these is the older Vaquero, but should be similar effect.
I've also had some generic black (I.e., no Ruger logo) micartas on an NV and liked them too. Can't recall if Ruger has any for NVs in their shop.
Another idea: buffalo horn from outfits such as Eagle, Ajax, Hogue and many others. Some specific panels have more interesting "character lines"--a hint of a little silver or brown showing through the mostly black--than others, which can also nicely play off your gun's metalwork. As you can see, I'm not into "light" grips on dark guns (though I can appreciate a nice elk stag of the right color mix). These are pretty conservative or plain ideas compared to some you'll get, but a few options anyway.
Later edits added for clarification.
Later add: I said I prefer the darker grips on the blued/CCH guns, but the American Holly that some have mentioned here and other threads are very sharp--really do look like ivory, which is always classy (that or the better faux ivories out there are nice.)