Grip frame value?

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May 22, 2016
Whilst searching for OEM grips online, I came across an ad for a guy selling what I presume to be two Blackhawk grip frames because they are steel. He also has some grips, six sets, that go along with it.

I thought, "Hmmmm . . . a steel grip frame would be nice to replace the beat up one on my Single Six". However, I don't want to overpay .

He's asking $300 for both grip frames and the grips. Yea or nay?
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Well, Ruger has a few different grip frames that are steel. The Super Blackhawk, and a few NM ones. If that's the offering,, at $300 for the g/f alone,, I'd say too much.

Ronnie Wells makes grip frames,, and gets $350 each for them, and they are a different shape & size to fit different hands. Are they worth it? If your hands get bitten by a factory offering,, or you want a getter feeling grip,, that allows for better shooting,, then yes,, they are worth it. And with Ronnie's g/f's,, you still have to fit them to your frame,, AND bet a set of grips to go with them. Yet,, still worth it.

If the seller didn't show the markings on the g/f,, or at least a picture,, I'd take pause.
Two grip frames and 6 sets of grips for $300. At $125 per grip frame that's $250 and 6 sets of grips for $50, or $8.33 per set.
That could be a fair deal but I would want to see photos of everything.