Grip frame refininshing question

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Jan 16, 2009
I'm kicking around the idea of removing the paint from the grip frame of my NM .357 blackhawk. The gun is probably 85-90% otherwise, but I don't have any plans to get rid of it. I know this would lessen the value of the gun, but I was just wondering if anyone had done it and if you had pictures. I read an article awhile back about Skeeter Skelton doing this to one of his old models and I thought it really made for a handsome looking piece.
I've seen several stripped grip frames in the past. I've even owned a few. While they give a neat 2-toned appearance,, I understand it can be a chore to get it all off & looking good.
I did it to my OM .357. The anodizing came of fairly easily with sand paper. Then I polished it with polishing compound & Dremel. Also did aluminum ejector housing. Do the new models hava different coating?

I did that to a .357 Blackhawk I came across in a pawn shop. It was in pretty sad shape so I thought I'd see what could be done. I used increasingly finer grades of wet sandpaper. It IS work! Here's before and after pics:
I don't have any pics but I did it to a NM 45 convertible. I took it off the gun, sprayed it with carb cleaner and let it set for about an hour. The black paint started to wrinkle some so I thought I'd set it in some berrymans carb cleaner over night. The kind in a 1 gallon jug with a parts pan in it. I pulled it out the next morning and it wiped right off. The aluminum isn't shiney but hey I gotta dremel. Out come the buffing compound and wheels. Off and on for 2 days I'm starting to think this ain't such a good idea. I eventually get it the way I want it, semichrome works good too. But after 2 years of trying to keep it shiny I went back with some flat black and said to heck with it.
Thanks for all the great info so far guys. Those are some awesome looking guns! I'm still not sure If I want to do it or not, but I'll keep tossing it around. thanks!

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