Great day with the .44 Lipsey Special

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Aug 29, 2007
Hamilton, Ohio USA
I haven't used iron sights for a couple of years because of serious vision problems. I am right handed and have to shoot using my left eye. Surprisingly, it didn't take too long to adapt.

Today, I hit the range a bit late as this time of the year it gets a bit muggy in the afternoon.

At any rate, I put on my clip on glasses (to see the sights) and started shooting, standing at 25 yards. I shot three targets and averaged 95x100 on the timed fire targets. That's a bit better than my average in the past couple of weeks since getting the .44 Lipsey Special. I had eight rounds left and shot the attached target:


Now, that will not impress a died in the wool NRA Bullseye shooter but I was pleased. I am learning to shoot this revolver pretty good for a "Blind, Certified Old Fart".

The load was a mild target load - 4.1 grs of Clays behind a 250 gr Keith bullet (H&G #503).

It was a really nice day to be on the range. There were only a few people around, the weather was pleasant (got a bit muggy by the time I left) and I had not a care in the world...

One thing you owners of the Lipsey Special might be interested in:

I was just a teenager when I got a copy of Elmer Keith's "Sixgun Cartridges and Loads" - that was what started me on a lifetime passion with revolvers. At any rate, Elmer, in extolling the virtues of the .44 Special mentioned that it was one of the few calibers that, as long as you used the same bullet, the POA would be the same clear out to 100 yards REGARDLESS of the velocity. I found that to be true with my S&W Model 24 and my S&W Model 624. That is a very useful bit of information to have. Just use a 250 Keith bullet, and your loads from light target loads to heavy 1200 fps "Keith" loads will hit the same point of impact at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. You will ALWAYS be sighted in correctly as long as you use the same bullet. Understand, I am not saying the the bullet doesn't drop but that a light target load will impact in the same place as the medium and heavy loads at any distance to 100 yards (our local range is limited to 100 yards, so I haven't fired it at the longer distances).

That is a REAL useful quality for a good field pistol.

Well, it appears that the Ruger .44 Lipsey Special works the same way. Try it for yourself.


Good shooting with a great gun! I have the same problem. Due to an eye injury to my right eye, I have to shoot handguns sighting with my left eye. Rifles and shotguns I use my right eye. A little strange but it works for me.

Nice shoot'n, I'd be plenty happy with those results. Looks like 8 dead dear to me ;) sounds like a great day at the range too..

I saw a Lipsey's .44spl in 4-5/8" at a local shop for $469.99. I was very tempted to put a down payment on it but I do have a .44mag 50th that I dont shoot enough already.

25 yards heck if i take the diameter of the bullet holes figure out how many fit in the bulseye i'd be lucky to hit the target alltogether let alone the little black part nice shooting Dale.
Thanks for the kind words fellers. It sure warms the cockles of this old man's heart. :mrgreen:

This .44 Lipsey Special absolutely "makes the cut". It is worthy of any shooter/hunter.

Nice shooting fer sure.
I also lost sight in my right eye about 10 years ago. It was do to a child injury and glaucoma did the rest.
I didn't find it to be any different which eye I used with handguns but long guns were a different story. At least now I don't have to close one eye :D :D
I wanted to shoot CAS REAL bad so I just taught myself how to shoot long guns left handed and handguns right handed. I then decided I wanted to be able to shoot handguns left and right handed. Well after about 2000 rounds of 22s it became no problem.
With the type of shooting that CAS does it is to my advantage to be able to shoot left or right handed.
I do pretty good at the CAS game.

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