Government Model MK II- are they now very collectable?

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Oct 25, 2002
Seen prices on these go up, and demand seems to increase. Wondering if we should put a nice one away?
The demand is going up because you cannot get the model anymore. They are valued more as shooters right now. They are the best 22 auto Ruger ever made if you want to do some serious target shooting or hunting. So if can possible resist the urge to shoot yours put it away. It will always demand more than any other 22 auto as a shooter. But I don't think it will ever become highly collectible it was made in fairly large numbers.
If you look, there are still decent deals on the stainless government models. I recently purchased two NIB stainless governemtns for $390 each OTD, from two separate gun shops. Both had the boxes and all paperwork. I think the ones on GB go for more since you do not see them as ofen. Prices may also be going up since new gun prices are going up
Hey I figure if the forum keeps these old threads, they must be worth discussion!

-- But I see the values not moving much, if at all. I wasn't aware the MkIII had a Government contract/Government model ? Is that something I just fell for???
I try to tell any body that will listen that the MKIII is better than the MKII, hoping to keep the prices down. I buy almost every MKII, I find locally if the price is decent. They don't last long, if I don't get them. Interesting that the prices haven't gone up much. Although I passed on a 50th anniversary gun, that was over $500, it sold in less than a week.

Really if I didn't already have so many MKII magazines, I probably wouldn't mind the MKIII's. No way I'd pay more for a used MKII, than a comparable new MKIII, at least not yet.
mohavesam said:
Hey I figure if the forum keeps these old threads, they must be worth discussion!

-- But I see the values not moving much, if at all. I wasn't aware the MkIII had a Government contract/Government model ? Is that something I just fell for???

They made at least one MKIII Government Target Model because I had it in my hands at a gun show. Unfortunately I didn't buy it. Note my signature line. :cry:
Highstandardguy said:

What about the MKIII678? Do you have any estimates on the number of those? I passed up one of those too.


There would be at least several thousand of those. Made for a few years before they were dropped. The highest I've noted is 271-30202.
Nothing wrong with collecting them... but they made a gazillion MKII's and so I would not expect the resale value to skyrocket... unless you of course run across a great deal on a specific limited model and then find someone that wants it. Too much work for me....

So, I would say they are collectable but I would not say 'very'....
I think that was the point of resurrecting this 6 year old thread, the prices haven't skyrocketed anywhere as the OP, thought might happen.
I made the original post and yes, the price has reached a plateau on the govt model. It was fun to revisit this thread guys.
I picked up this Ruger Mark II Government model for what I would consider a very reasonable price. I shoot it, but I also maintain and take care of this gun. Will the value ever go up to where I'd sell it? Only after I start getting my mail via groundhog, because at this point I don't care what the value goes up to.
Too many cool variants to stop at only three. I'm up to four and still looking. :D :D
