Got to play breifly with an LCR tonight.......

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Jul 28, 2007
NE Ohio
.......but, unfortunately, not shoot it. I've got to say, it seems that Ruger seems to have hit a home run with this one.

One of the guys at my PD had one and took it out to qualify with it this evening. I got stuck working, so I couldn't go to the range and shoot it, but he made it a point of bringing it to the PD when qualifications were done so I could see it and handle it. I've got to say it now, I LOVE THE TRIGGER!!!!!! It was a little gritty, no doubt from being brand new, but it was LIGHT and seemed relatively short, at least no longer than my SP101. No problem at all keeping the sights lined up, even when pulling it fast, which can sometime be a problem with my SP101 when shooting fast, due to the heavier trigger.

Although I HATE to admit it, it seems that Hogue got the stocks right, too. I hate rubber stocks, but these seemed to be just about the right compromise between sticky and soft. Although I didn't try to pocket it, they didn't seem tacky enough to stick excessively to pocket material if pocket carried. They were comfortable, too, with no sense of loss of control that I got with my S&W M649 with Uncle Mike's Boot Grips, even though both stocks only allow a two-finger grip.

I do have a couple questions, though. The crane and ejector rod seemed to be just blued steel. Are they, or is it some sort of coating/blackening and are they actually stainless? If they are blued, that would shoot the LCR out of the water for me. I must have very acidic sweat, I can rust blued guns within a few hours just by touching them, let alone sweating all over them, like I would likely do with the LCR if I carry one. Heck, my S&W M649 pitted under the stocks after just one day's carry in the hot summer weather. Admittedly, I was sweating on it like a pig, but just one day? Like I said, acidic sweat or something.

Overall, with the reservation above, I LIKE IT!!!!! I think I just found out what my next gun purchase will be, provided the crane and ejector aren't just blued steel. Evidently, a lot of others at qualifications liked it, too. The owner told me that quite a few other Officers shot it and liked it, even going so far as to tell him that they would consider one for backup/off duty carry, even though these Officers never considered anything for backup/off duty carry before this.

Just a suggestion regarding sweat and gun rust. Eezox, it works for me.

nn, thanks. I suppose that I should take the advice that I have posted for others and RTFM!!!!! Senior moment, I guess. With this info, my plans to eventually purchase an LCR are back on.

WMB30, I've thought about Eezox. As long as I remember to wipe down my carry guns occasionally, or whenever I sweat on them (or even handle them, for blued guns), I haven't had any real problems recently. The sad thing is that I had coated the frame of the 649 with a light coat of BreakFree, put the stocks back on, then wiped off the excess not too long before this happened. I've read about Eezox, I just keep forgetting to look for it when I am out.
