Good idea Flatgate.
Fwiw, I made a small SafariLand lined holster that was probably for a 3" barrel S&W 38 fit the fat cylinder of my Bulldog 44 that also has a 3" barrel.
Removed the wooden grips, oiled down the metal pretty good, put it in a baggy.
Soaked the holster in warm, almost hot water till it was good and wet.
Tuck the baggy'd gun inside and used the rounded handle end of an old toothbrush to rub the leather to shape.
Left it to dry overnight, removed and cleaned the gun, installed the grips and gave the holster a couple more days to get really dry before using it.
Along with stretching the holster to its new shape, the wet strap stretched enough to fit and retain the gun.
What do you like to use to preserve the leather on your holsters?
Saddle soap seems to bring the less expensive holsters to a more pleasing sheen and appearance after a few years of use.
It is surprising how many good quality holsters you see at pawn shops and gunshops . . . for not too much $$....