I will be retiring soon, and I hope the 401K keeps going good or I should say better than it was. My 401K is probably like most others. Your company or where you work has a third party consultant investment company that "knows it all". In 2022 they knew absolute crap. I was thinking of retiring then but things were down, but they Keep taking their large "management fees" for every stinking month for sure. Most of you all pretty much have Mutual Funds, and probably some conservative bonds like Freddie Mac or Genny Mayi like I do. These investment companies offer a pretty broad spectrum of stocks "you can choose" for your 401K. Personally I think 90% of people just have their little 5 minute consultant time with the financial advisor, and say, "just put the funds where you think they should go", as generally people have no idea, and want to trust somebody. Heck everyone wants to trust somebody. Especially if it's a guy the company you work for got !! There is nothing wrong with that. ....For Me I have a mixture of conservative investments and bonds. When someone is older, you don't want aggressive hi yield type stuff as there is more of a chance of failure. So even with the conservative stuff and bonds, are things better now, yes. But for how long is the question. I knew a guy who retired in "22 right when his 401K tanked. That was bad for him and his family ...For the heck of it, look at all your investments and look up who owns them. It will be mostly Black Rock and Vanguard. For those of you who want Silver, buy it yourself and personally own it. I would strongly suggest you stay away from third party financial transfers where you invest in Silver and all you have is a piece of paper stating ownership. I don't want paper silver because if there was a major financial breakdown, that paper in my opinion would be absolutely worthless. Good luck to all.