Goin' possum huntin'

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Being I hate tics way more than the fugly looking possums I give 'em a pass. Caught one twice in my live trap this past week and let it go both times. I'm trying to catch an armadillo that keeps digging under porches before he ends up making one of the supports sink. If it wasn't for that I would give it a pass too. Had a chance to shot it one morning but did not want to get into trouble being they are the Texas State Bird and all.
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Why didn't you just trap it? Use a bait it'd eat & something the cats would ignore? (bananas work.) A good cage trap, a piece of banana, or heck, eat the banana & just use the peeling.
I'll remember the banana trick but for now my pit/lab takes care of them.

Funny when she eviscerates one she does a wiping her tongue on her upper teeth to try and get the bad taste from her mouth and I give her some treats to help.

A raccoon showed up at my GF's house last night and on the positive side the squirrels have bailed from the area but the coon is tearing up all of the orchids on the tree bark while climbing.

Anyone have a non lethal way to remove raccoons?
Live trap with watermelon and/or grapes. If you put enough in the trap to give them a big belly full they will eat to their hearts content and then just lay there while you deal with transporting and opening the trap. Otherwise they can be quite feisty to deal with.
"Otherwise they can be quite feisty to deal with."
Just give them a 'sedative pill' before opening the trap door.
According to the original question - as long as that pill is of the non-lethal kind. A.K.A - the type of sleeping pill that is not permanent, but rather wears off after a while per say.

But if one is going to give them a permanent dirt nap they should at least use a humanitarian sleeping pill (i.e. - .45 caliber something or another)
My normal trapline load is a long rifle sub-sonic HP. For 'stuff' around the yard, I use the 'shop rifle' with a 'moderator' and sub-sonics. Make sure where your feet are when the ground is frozen rock hard BTW.
Some don't realize there actually is such a thing as a Snipe. (as opposed to the old prank of snipe hunting.)

Raccoons are hard to deter from climbing and damaging stuff. Electric fence is non-lethal.
Relocation is illegal in many places. Could be a felony if you put an animal onto state or federal property.
It's illegal to trespass onto private property.
Check your state and local laws before committing a crime.
Some don't realize there actually is such a thing as a Snipe. (as opposed to the old prank of snipe hunting.)

Exactly. I never got the snipe hunting joke about an imaginary bird and folks being tricked into going out with a bag to catch one........20ga worked for me.
Possums are good overall. They also move on. They're seasonal. Leave it be. Coon? Well, that's a kill. They either steal or use your yard as a latrine. Never heard of 'possums violently attacking kittens but I have no reason to distrust the OP in any way so...

Why in the world would anyone feed squirrels? Way more "vermin-y" than a possum. More likely to have grody diseases.

I have never heard that trapping a 'dillo or 'coon then taking them out of a neighborhood wherein they obviously cannot be shot is illegal. I'll keep doing it. Possoms hurt nothing right here and eat termites and ants. Stale bread with some peanut butter and a small amount of jelly will trap any 'coon that can't break out of your live trap. Most can ... so for 'coons, get the ankle grabber traps.
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No, it didn't, but I sent many a newbie on them. 🤣
I have to ask....."newbie" to what?

I guess this is like sending cherries on the search for flight line.....I was sent to find rotor wash......but the joke was on them. I found a can of rotor wash at a helo command and showed I was skilled in the art of comshaw....which came in handy at times.

But for someone to actually fall for the snipe thing? I just don't get it. Honestly I wouldn't feel safe around anyone who was conned into something like that.:cautious:

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