FS Ultra Rare Colt Python Clone Squire Bingham 22LR.. P-Drop

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Are those the original grips? or is there another set with it?
They look rather large for a Python clone, but I don't know very much about Pythons - never owned one.

speedsixman said:
Thanks for the info!
That is an excellent looking revolver.


Thank you for the compliments Myron. This is truly a extremely well built pistol. Just as we'll built as any smith or colt. I know that's hard for some to believe, but it's the Gods Honest Truth IMO. I'm sure the only reason these were not more popular was the cost factor in making them vs what they were selling them for. My dealer does not even think these were ever offered to the public as he can not find them in any of his books. He told me they prob built a few for either prototypes or for giving to board members of the company.
I think you'll find that this is not a Python clone, but more like a Diamondback clone. I believe it's built on a fame very similar to Colt's D frame (Detective Special, Cobra, Police Positive, Diamondback), rather than their I frame (Python, Official Police, etc.). I've seen one or two of them through the years, but only in .38, never in .22 (till now). Wish I could afford it--it looks like a cool little gun and a fun shooter.

And Armscorp is, I believe, still making a version of this gun, though I don't think they have a 4" vent rib barrel in the line right now.

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