FS Marlin 1894SS 44 Mag Lever gun-Sold Pending Funds

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Dec 19, 2001
Alaska, Idaho USA
I've got an unfired 1894 SS Marlin 44 Mag carbine. It is the original Marlin rifle JM. I've looked this over very carefully and find no issues at all with the gun, but for arguement sake let's call this a 99% gun. I have no box or paperwork. I will ship this to your FFL for $1000. Prefer Postal Money order.

I left your grand state on the 29th and while there we road around in my brothers 4X4 Toyota(he bought from your son)....heck if I was still there we'd be talking eye-ball to eye ball on this 44.....I'm gonna lose some sleep on this one...

he's still there... I might give him a call about this rifle..

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