Followed me home

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May 7, 2009
These followed me home today. Consecutive pair of 44 Mag. El Dorado's.
Hated to break the set, so brought them both home.

Those two hadn't have ought to have done that Blazenet..... following you home.

I'd send them right home to their rightful owners. They might be missing them. :)

Congrats on a fine pair of 44's. I'd be very proud. ;)
Them's PURDY! What caliber? Were they made in Idaho? Tell us more about 'em!!! The pic of the book, looks like it has a pic of some SILE Grips on one. Do these have the same grip frame as Rugers? Did they get parts from the same place? Whatever more info appreciated!
Very nice guns---- I find it hard to pass up a nice single action ---luckily I've never run across a pair, don't think I could break up a set like that either
Redstick":3lskbsqy said:
Them's PURDY! What caliber? Were they made in Idaho? Tell us more about 'em!!! The pic of the book, looks like it has a pic of some SILE Grips on one. Do these have the same grip frame as Rugers? Did they get parts from the same place? Whatever more info appreciated!

Both 9 1/2" 44 Magnum,Hauppauge NY Guns. I read somewere that on the NY. guns the ser. # started at 44S-1000, if this is true these are early production, 2 digit guns.