Flyrod said:
........ Seems to require that the pics be accessible via a URL..... If there is an easier way, let me know and I'd be happy to share the pics.
Posting pictures is rather straight forward, once you get your (free) account set up at or some other photo hosting Website.
You upload your pictures to your Photobucket album. Then, when you are creating your message here to the Forum, next to your picture in Photobucket will be a list of "Links to Share this photo." Simply click on the tab labeled IMG and it will copy all the URL info onto your clipboard. Then paste that in your message and, bingo, you have pictures linked to your message.
You also need to "uncheck" the "Disable BBCode" box located right below the text input box on the Ruger Forum, or instead of getting the actual picture, you get its address.
If you delete the pictures in Photobucket, they will disappear from your forum message also.
Sounds a lot harder than it really is!