Flat-faced front sight blade available for the Mk II?

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Aug 11, 2008
Is there a flat-faced front sight blade available for the Mk II ? I don't like the concave cutout of the factory blade, and it's sharp. I don't like a sharp blad on my sights. I don't know why they designed it this way.
I put a Single Six front sight on mine.

Thats right,not everyone shoots at dusk, or with the sun down range, some shoot at "high noon" or with the sun, and any lighting 'behind' them.........oh well....put on the Single Six sights like shown above...besides, that reversed cut front blade can always be used as "can opener" if one goes camping...... :roll:

( love how they can slice open, a "perfectly good" leather holster too...)

now as for ones "hands and fingers", keep them out of the way, you will "slice 'em open" if you hold it wrong......keeps the bad guy from yanking the gun out of YOUR hand, at least from the front.. 8)
You should go check out The Gun Parts Corp. website. The last time I looked they had all kinds of front sights off of AMT Lightning 22 auto pistols that also fit Ruger 22 auto pistols.
