Fiber Optic sight options for SR9

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Apr 28, 2009
Can anyone recommend a few good fiber optic sight options for the SR9? I am thinking of changing the sights to gather more light without going to night sights.

Is is best to put both front and rear optics in, or is just the front sight change sufficient? Thanks.

PS: about 400 rds of Wolf and other cheap ammo - no problems at all, and good 3" or so groups now with 10 shots per group from 10 yds. I also CCW with it.
I was thinking about getting the HiViz front sight for my SR9 a while back... I still may. I know there is a company that makes front and rears but they're different colors, red in the front green in the rear and I don't like the idea of a rainbow on my manly sidearm:p

Oh and 400 rounds of wolf is an achievement on its own :p
I have never had a problem with it. Same pattern as Blazer, Winchester. No feeding problems either? And, I can still get it!
I've never actually used it. Just heard that it leaves your gun dirtier than other range ammo.
Williams makes a set of fiber optic sights. They feature a green front and an adjustable red rear. No real improvement as far as construction of the sight goes basically a copy of the factory sight. I was hoping the windage was adjustable by means other than drifting the whole sight. But the sight is way more visible than factory. I will be getting a set. Williams does not list them on their website. But if you download their catalog they are listed on page 3. They list for 49.99 and being Williams I am sure they will be a high quality.
Not only are the Williams sights on page 3 of the downloadable catalog, but an SR9 with the sights is on the cover.
I installed a Hi-Viz FO front sight on my SR9 but left the rear sight stock. The Hi-Viz is a real improvement over the factory sight and the FO element is well protected with a clear plastic overcoat. However, choose the color element you want carefully (mine is red) because you can't replace it.
22/45 Fan":sdt9ogff said:
I installed a Hi-Viz FO front sight on my SR9 but left the rear sight stock. The Hi-Viz is a real improvement over the factory sight and the FO element is well protected with a clear plastic overcoat. However, choose the color element you want carefully (mine is red) because you can't replace it.

I know this is an old post but I just ordered a green Hi-Viz front site today and would like to know if you installed yours your'e self or had a smith do it? I also ordered a set for my MKII.
sparks701":33528p5b said:
I know this is an old post but I just ordered a green Hi-Viz front site today and would like to know if you installed yours your'e self or had a smith do it? I also ordered a set for my MKII.
I installed it my self. I field stripped the gun and clamped the slide in a well padded vise. I drove out the factory sight with a brass drift and a hammer (a REAL hammer, these thing are in TIGHT).

Then I try fitted the new sight and filed the the sight's dovetail until it slipped in about 1/3 of the way by hand and then drove it in the rest of the way with the brass drift. As a guide, I used a micrometer to measure the factory dovetail width and filed the new sight until it was about .002 wider and then very slowly kept filing and trying the fit until it was right.

BTW, DO NOT file the dovetail in the slide to make the sight fit. Work only on the sight itself.
i bought some Brown Bear ammo and put 120 rds through it w/o a single jam.. groupings were all about 3-4 inches at 7 yards...
mike7mm08":2ba1rkm5 said:
Williams makes a set of fiber optic sights. They feature a green front and an adjustable red rear. No real improvement as far as construction of the sight goes basically a copy of the factory sight. I was hoping the windage was adjustable by means other than drifting the whole sight. But the sight is way more visible than factory. I will be getting a set. Williams does not list them on their website. But if you download their catalog they are listed on page 3. They list for 49.99 and being Williams I am sure they will be a high quality.

Here it is, August 2010 and according to Williams, these sights have never been on the market. They told me to check back in January of 2011. WTF is going on with them?
I just ordered the Williams ones from the shopruger website.

I wish the front site was green and the tail site was red but not the case with this set. My last IDPA shoot I could only see a shadow of my front site, was rediculous.

I hope these new ones work out. I would have bought the Crimson Trace but I had just bought a tuck holster.
I installed the Novak fiber optic sights on my SR9, I went with red front and green rear. I use my SR9 shooting IDPA and they are great!! $91.90 plus $8.00 shipping. Spare light pipes are supplied with them. I did my installation just as 22 / 45 Fan described in his post.
Sky1 said:
I just ordered the Williams ones from the shopruger website.

I wish the front site was green and the tail site was red but not the case with this set. My last IDPA shoot I could only see a shadow of my front site, was rediculous.

I hope these new ones work out. I would have bought the Crimson Trace but I had just bought a tuck holster.

The williams are nice sights, just not for a ccw weapon, as the front sight is much taller than the stock and it causes issues with the holster. I bought mine direct from williams, since they are my local range and gun shop.