???? feeding the SR1911

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Apr 6, 2008
Charleston Wv
Just picked mine up today. Im wanting to order some ammo in bulk and would like to hear from yall veterans What brand shoots the best in the Ruger???? Thanks Steve
Everything I have fed mine has been devoured with not a hint of indigestion or failure in anyway. This includes the Tula and Wolf brands a well as whatever has been on sale. So have fun and enjoy it.
Winchester White Box 230 gr FMJ's worked well, accuracy about 2.5" at 25 yds....as did Federal 230 gr FMJ's, (the ones with the small pistol primer). Similar accuracy. Handloads with 200 gr LSWC's and any reasonable charge of Win 231 or HP38 are even better. BTW, those Federals using the small caps did very well as handloads...a little better than the larger variety...but keeping them segregated from my usual ones is a PITA.

Also, 230 gr FMJ PMC's did well for me at Front Sight's 4-Day Defensive Handgun Course in Nevada...600 rounds through the gun in four days without a bobble and great accuracy on the defensive shooting ranges, (3 to 15 yds).

Best Regards, Rod
Practice shooting has been Blazer aluminum, Winchester White Box, PMC and Federal Champion. All of those were 230 FMJ.

Speer Gold Dot LE, Winchester Ranger and Federal LE all in 230 JHP for Duty/Self Defense.

Mine has eaten good stuff, cheap stuff and reloaded stuff. Let us know if you find something it does not like.
EDC is Winchester 230 gr Ranger SXT, and I have had good luck with Winchester White box 230 ball, Doubletap 230 Ball, Corbon 185 JHP, Sellier and Bellot 230gr Ball, Federal Lake City 230gr Ball and UMC 230 gr ball, the UMC 230 had zilch for accuracy though

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