You know it! I'll add these to the cases of brass sitting on my desk in the shop... 414SM, 445SM, 500L, 44 Special, 41 Mag, 44 mag, 32 mag, and I don't know what else... The good thing is they all seem to be in that same 500-1000 piece box.... They stack nice and neat!
You have a lot of work to do! I have been reloading for the 327 since last spring for my Buckeye NMBH with the 32 H&R cylinder rechambered by Bowen for 327 Mag. Like it a lot, but does have a sharp report. Brian Pearce had a good article on the 327 in an issue of Handloader late last summer, I think, and has lots of loads, albeit in a Ruger SP101. I just acquired a USFA 32WCF/327Mag convertible last week and will be trying some handloads in that tomorrow at the range. This has a 4 3/4" barrel while the NMBH is 6.5" Current plinker load is 97 gr. SWC ahead of 5.5 grs. W231.
Is your USFA one of those sparrowhawks? Give me more details please. I been trying to get one of the 327/32-20 convertible and they tell me they do not make them!!
Glad to hear that FA still has brass. Got my 200 cases in Dec.; ordered them back in August, but they were out. That nice lady you mention said she'd ship them when they came in, and they did.
Glad to hear that the price has not gone up, too. In fact, in 500 lots you got a better price than I did. I paid $23/100.
Good news!
I've been telling everyone that will listen that the brass IS available, but apparently the word still has not gotten out to a lot of folks.