Explain Single Six serial numbers to me. :)

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Nov 11, 2009
Saw one in pawn shop. Serial was 381xxx, had the 22LR and 22Mag cylinder. I tried to look it up on Ruger's site but where I think it should be is a gap of several years.

What am I missing?
Flash didn't look at his copy of the RENE Ruger Reference...........
A Single-Six in that 381XXX range would more likely be a convertible with the "second" cylinder being the .22 Mag. The barrel length would be required to discern the ultimate answers to your query.

Bottom Line? Perhaps a rather scarce example.

Next time post all the info you can find. S/N, barrel length, convertible or not, rollmarks on barrel, firing pin grooved cylinders or not, type of grips, which grip frame is on the gun, steel or aluminum ejector housing, blah-blah-blah..... :D

Welcome to the Forum johnnymustang!!!!!!
Ruger's website isn't the "best" place to get good info. This place is,, and many of us use our handy RENE Reference guide. (If you get into collecting Rugers,, or just want to get the best facts as we currently know them,, The Red Eagle News Exchange is THE place for info.)
Now,, as Flatgate mentioned,, much more info would help us give you a better idea about that gun!

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