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Sep 13, 2006
Tabor City, NC.
Fellers I`ve reloaded succesfully since `83 & this weekend I went to Muddy Creek Sam`s for Christmas gathering & to exchange gifts .

My gift was a F1 chronograph & I`ve already run 1 battery down testing ole "stand by" loads , you know the ones!! the ones that work & ya load a bunch up !!!

Well lets just say I wish the chronograph was 1 of my first tools instead of arriving later!!!!

THANKS MuddyCreek Sam!!!!!!
I loaded ammo for many years myself before I bought my Oheler. I too was glad when I did,, and wished I had bought mine sooner. They can be an excellent tool in letting you know a bit more about your loads.
Great gift GP! I'm happy for you. :D
Let me just offer this one bit of advice - NOT the usual "don't shoot it" advice. Carry a spare battery inside it. It's a pain in the rear to drive to the range, which for us is a local county gravel pit, only to discover you left your chonograph's on/off switch in the "on" position the last time you went shooting, and the battery is dead. Don't ask me how I know that. :oops:
I ALWAYS physically disconnect the battery when I'm done. I've never had dead battery syndrome yet, and its 4 years old with the original battery.

revhigh":2uoaw2wc said:
I ALWAYS physically disconnect the battery when I'm done. I've never had dead battery syndrome yet, and its 4 years old with the original battery.


That's one benefit of the newer units!

My old Oehler 33 (from about '82 or ???) eats "D" batteries, a six-pack at a time. And has to be opened up to change 'em... my buddy's just about convinced me his Chrony is a "far better idea!"

Rick C
I borrowed a battery from my DVOM & it died after 4 tests (how old the battery was ??) anyways the wife was at wally town & picked up a 3pack & just laid the other 2 inside in the pack.

I do appreciate all the input though , 1 thing I liked I use sckewers & cardboard for the sky screens legs so if i "nick" 1 it is less likely to damage the sensor.

I`m very blessed to live on a farm of 73.44 acres adjoining seven creeks run to the Waccamaw River , 6 miles of flat swamp behind me!!!!!

I can get 550yds. across open feild if needed for range !!!

Dang I miss my heavy barreled 7-08 Remington!!!!

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