Embarrassing question - SR9 Mag loader?

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Feb 22, 2007
Round Rock, Texas
Sorry to ask such a basic question, but......

The mag loader that comes with the gun......how does this thing function with my 17 round magazines?

I've never used a mag loader of any kind before in 50 years of shootin'.

Thanks in advance.
You could actually load rounds in the magazine until it really gets hard to load any more (that may be as few as 5 or 6 or as many as 10 or 12 depending on you and how well used the magazines are) or you could just put the first one in and then place the loader on the magazine (it only will go on one way). Now push down on the loading tool (I like to place the bottom of the magazine on a hard surface since this makes it easier to control) and the rounds in the magazine will be pushed farther toward the bottom - that is, the magazine spring will be compressed (it might help if you push the nose of the very top round in the magazine down as you push the loader tool down). Now while holding the loader tool down, place a new round in the magazine until the base of the round comes in contact with the part of the loader tool that is pushing down on the rounds already in the magazine. You will see that the new round is under the retaining lips of the magazine now all you need to do is lift up on the loader tool so that the new round can be pushed the remainder of the way into the magazine. Repeat until the magazine is full...
Also, if you look at the blow up here

http://www.ruger.com/Firearms/images/Ex ... s/62-1.gif

you will see the loader oriented in the way you should use it in regards to the mag.

Place it on top the mag with the hump to the back of the mag, press down slighly with your thumb (to depress the follower in the mag), insert a cartidge in as far as it will go (until it hits the loader), release pressure on the loader (with the cartridge held in place) and push the cartridge to the back of the mag

and repeat 16 more times
I tried using the one that came with my P95 once, then it went back in the box. The first time I loaded all 3 mags to capacity, I thought it was going to take both hands and both feet but I managed to get them loaded. Now they aren't too bad.
Thanks for the good info guys!

Just bought this SR9 Sunday and it's all brand new.

Never have had a double stack semiauto before.
mekender":1i7sct5y said:
the uplula is a way better tool IMO
Agree!! The "Uplula" works really well.

And it is NOT like the one that comes with the SR9. With the Uplula, you do NOT have to 'pull the loader away after the cartridge base comes into contact with it.' The Uplula pushes down the previous cartridge from the FRONT, and the next one just slides in OVER the last one; withOUT even moving the loader 'bar'. THEN, you move the loader 'bar' out, put it on top of the 'new' cartridge, push it down and do it over again. VERY FAST, and VERY easy.
mekender said:
the uplula is a way better tool IMO

+1 on that! So good I've got two of them (always nice to have a spare) :D
With the uplula loader, you can load a 10-15 round mag is less the ten seconds and not have a sore thumb!
I don't use my UPLula I got from Ruger before they redesigned the SR9 Mags. It's just as awkward as the issued tool (when I got it). Now the factory tool is fine, but I've also filed my mag catches too. The springs OTOH are still quite stiff, even after a few fully loaded weeks. Guess I need to get back out now that it's starting to cool off (knocks on wood :lol:).

To use the factory loader:

Step one...toss it out
Step two...buy the UpLula

As others have mentioned...it is great! You will be much happier than with the factory supplied loader......
Hamcan":1qxacpyt said:
To use the factory loader:

Step one...toss it out
Step two...buy the UpLula

As others have mentioned...it is great! You will be much happier than with the factory supplied loader......

I may just do that.

Was using the factory loader for the first time this afternoon. That was quite a chore to load both magazines. {{wiping sweat off brow}}
Actually they are really not that bad after you get used to it. I have a SR9, a P94, a P95 and a P 85 and that's all I use. It helps after you put a few rounds in the mag when it starts to tighten up to tap the bottom of the mag lightly on a solid surface. This un-binds the spring and you can load 5 or 6 more rounds then tap again, do this until it's full. I looked at one of those speed loaders at the last two gun shows but I used the 35 bucks they wanted for it on more ammo. The load 3 or 4 rounds and tap method works good for me and it's good to practice this if you are ever in a situation where you have to reload your mags while being shot at because I doubt if you will have your $35 speed loader with you in a gunfight.

It would come in handy for when I'm loading my AR mags though cause sometimes I load 20 or 30, 30 round mags at a time and it may save some time doing them.
Armybrat":2258lh0m said:
Hamcan":2258lh0m said:
To use the factory loader:

Step one...toss it out
Step two...buy the UpLula

As others have mentioned...it is great! You will be much happier than with the factory supplied loader......

I may just do that.

Was using the factory loader for the first time this afternoon. That was quite a chore to load both magazines. {{wiping sweat off brow}}

Yes, it is a bit of a chore. I use the UpLula on all my guns, except on my .32 and wheelies, of course.
They might not be anything fancy, but they do work. I've used them and never had any problems, they worked fine. It's a simple design and much better than just loading by hand. Yes the $30 UpLula's are slick and they work great as well, I have several of them.
the only problem i have with loading my SR9 mags with the UpLULA is that i tend to use my belly or my leg as a base to push the mag against... the SR9 mags have such sharp corners that it really hurts sometimes..

i know i know im a puss...
My Ruger loader works fine...not as fast as the Uplula,Iguess.

I have a Bersa Thunder 380 that's a pain to hand load. Any loader for that?

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