EFK Fire Dragon Recoil Springs?

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May 3, 2006
The Left Coast
Anybody use one of these? Been toying with the idea for a P89, sounds good "on paper" - but want to know if anybody has any real-world experience with one and what your thoughts are. :?:
if you are talking about the compressed spring and rod set up, i have had one in my p90 for years and have had no problems at all. the gun cycles much sharper imo........
Nothin'! It's just that this assembly is a guide rod/spring designed to absorb part of the recoil and reduce the impact of the slide hitting home. Apparently, it helps preserve the frame and internal parts somewhat. No idea if it REALLY works, but it makes some sense if it can restrain the slide from slapping so hard.
Don't worry about the slide or frame in a P89.

They're like tanks .... Don't go looking for problems to solve when there aren't any.

revhigh said:
Don't worry about the slide or frame in a P89.

They're like tanks .... Don't go looking for problems to solve when there aren't any.

this is so true with the metal framed p-guns.....like i said before imo the gun cycles sharper since the spring is heavier and seems under more preasure at the same compression.. i didn't install it to save anything on this over built pistol.
Dieter said:
Do you think it a worthwhile upgrade then for $65.00??

No .... First .... It's not an upgrade .... It's a solution to a problem that doesnt exist .... Second .... $65 ? ..... I have some land for sale .... It may be a little swampy ... :D

Well, I'll call it a modification then instead of an upgrade. Then forget about the mitigating wear and tear claim, but reduced recoil, if it really works as the company claims, wouldn't be a bad thing in my opinion. But that's why I'm here asking for real experiences to verify the claims!
Recoil is what it is for a given caliber and load .... If the very mild recoil of a big, heavy 9mm like the P89 is uncomfortable for you .... I guess you can try it. It won't make a bit of difference though.

I'd spend the $65 on reloading equipment, so you can tailor your loads to the milder side of the spectrum. Save a ton of money in the long run too.

If you just have $65 that's burning a hole in your pocket ... You may as well throw it away on some placebo like the new spring as anything else I guess.

I don't have $65.00 burning a hole in my pocket, again, reiterating - why I am here asking the questions. I don't know that'd I'd call a 9mm "mild". I suppose it's all relative. I find the +P+ ammunition I use to not be comparable necessarily to basic target ammo. It is much snappier. How can you say it won't make any difference if you haven't actually used one though?
Dieter said:
How can you say it won't make any difference if you haven't actually used one though?

30+ years of shooting semi autos in every caliber from 22 to 10mm, with almost every imaginable doo dad that was ever invented. Never seen one that honestly did what you're looking for. Ballistics is hard to overcome with a spring.

Go for it. I gave you the best advice I could .... I'm done explaining.

Kinda like all the doo dads GUARANTEED to increase your gas mileage 20% .... If they worked ... They'd sure as hell be put on by the manufacturer.

Thanks, I'll definitely come back to this thread if I decide to try it out. I am reluctant but also tantalized! Anyway, won't be buying too soon if I do though, finishing up a tactical shotgun build that is the priority! 8)