Do you shoot the BearCat Well?

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Sep 27, 2001
Pima County Arizona
I shoot mine often because a BearCat is the Ruger hand gun I have had the longest(in a serial fashion). Too they have all been the hardest firearm to master. What say you?
I have shot the new stainless and my old 3 digit from the fifties. The old one shot surprisingly well. Didn't do so well with the stainless model. This was just a very modest amount of shooting. I think with practice, the old model would shoot real well.

My mom had an old model (My brother "stole"it when she died. She left it to my daughter but he grabbed it for himself). With original Hunter holster for it.

My problem was my finger would get stuck in the trigger guard when I cocked it. Meant I always had to fire it once I cocked it. And I was pretty skinny in those days.
I'm to the point where I can shoot empty .22 casings with my stainless Bearcat at 10-15 paces. It helps if the sun is reflecting off of them. I can also shoot from the hip. It was my first handgun, and I've shot it well over 4,000 times. Great little gun!
I can shoot at 22 casings with mine but it would surely be an accident if I hit one. When I first got it I couldn't hit anything but after many rounds I can make a 1 or 2 inch group at 10 yards offhand. I actually shoot it better than my single six or 22/45, of course am not to great of a shot. It is my favorite 22.

Where did you get that belt/holster? I'd love to have one like that for my Bearcat. I just carry it in my jacket pocket right now. haha
I really like my Bearcat and it shoots quite well for me. I often carry it while woods bumming and also while hunting. I've taken gray squirrels with it. I have large hands, but the small Bearcat hasn't been a problem for me.
Glad you guys are getting that kind of accuracy from your Bearcats.

The one's I have fired all suffer the same accuracy as many of the
Single Sixes I've fired.

They've all been minute of soda can to about 15yds, but beyond that, not so much.
I've got two, one with an alloy frame and one of steel.
I don't shoot either one well at all.
It is a shame because I really like the look and feel of the little gun.
If I want to actually hit something, my 6-1/2" stainless SingleSix is my best choice.
Maybe I will try one of the stainless Bearcats next.

"My problem was my finger would get stuck in the trigger guard when I cocked it. Meant I always had to fire it once I cocked it. And I was pretty skinny in those days."

Shouldn't have your finger in there until you are ready to shoot. :)

I shoot my stainless NM BC about as well as I do any handgun these days. Mine seems to shoot to the same point of aim regardless of the ammo I use-Mini Mags, Wildcats, Stingers, etc. It's a keeper.
Love shooting the Bearcats. I do not have any new models, so I can't compare old to new. My groups are about the same as with my single sixes with fixed sights ( off-hand or from the hip). Just plain fun to shoot with CB Shorts. :lol:
I have both a 1950s OM and a newer NM stainless. Both shoot very well altho I had to mess with the front sight on the newer one to get it to zero. They ARE picky about ammo; both of mine like Stingers about the best, although I've never tried them with pistol match ammo.

I used to carry the OM everywhere in my boot top (you can imagine what the bluing is like.....) and used it when I ate up all my backpack food. Many rabbits, a few grouse and chachlacas (pavo de monte), more than one trout (relax, the statute of limitations is long run out. I hope.). One rockchuck before I found out what nice diseases they can carry!

I have big hands but have always shot two-handed, so little guns suit me just fine. My OM has the original "plywood" grips, refinished a few times tho.
My old model shoots better'n I do, and that's about all anyone can ask for out of any gun. It is picky about what it gets fed, and has a decided preference for Stingers. It'll shoot minute of squirrel/rabbit/varmint out to about 20 yards every time.........(even though I might not. :roll: )
I bought a new SS for my daughter and it is a great little shooter with Aquila Humingbird CB caps. I have taught her to shoot and how to reload it. This little pocket revolver is my second one and now I think I am going to buy me one to convert to 22 mag for a river gun...