Yea, tell me about life getting in the way... We have a 2000 Expedition we bought as we had an unexpected addition to the family so we are upto four kids. Note - Surgical inntervention to ensure no more oopses happen!
Well, we bough the Truck in early february and spent about $500 or so to fix minor stuff we had found. We paid $6000 for the truck so not a bad deal and we could pay cash so no car payment.
Well, for inspection we were told it needed $4000 in repairs as the whole front end was a disaster... Aparently it was all rusted out as far as the front brakes, trans cooler, trasmission lines, brake lines, cross member for the radiator, etc. We took it back to the dealer we got it and they "fixed" the issues and gave us a huge discount on their labor and it still cost us $1200 or so to fix it...
Well, this weekend I was out deer hunting and driving home the rear drive shaft fell out of the truck and the yolk on the front of the rear axle snapped! So, we took the truck to a local garage and low and behold the rear end was all rusted out under the truck including all the upper and lower swing arms and bars that hold the axle in place. We are now looking at about $2000 to get that fixed plus the dealer we bough the truck off did a poor job "fixing" the leaky transmission cooler and lines so they are re-fixing that issue and that $500 is included with the $2000 we need to pay.
We asked the shop to really give the truck a good look to make sure we are not looking at any more surprises as damn we are getting tired of major issues and we have had the truck for 10-months! We expected to need repairs here and there, but not like this and man it is hitting us at a bad time of the year. I am looking at my guns and evaluating what I am willing to sell to get us through the crunch but at least guns to work as an asset that can be sold when you need to, unlike a trip or other purchase that once enjoyed is gone.