Disappointed in Ruger folks

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Aug 28, 2022
West Virginia
I don't follow the reasoning of guys " that don't want to show what you own"…… why???? Is someone perhaps, going to hunt you down and take it ??? Or is the government going to kick your doors in and take all your guns or maybe the IRS…, an ex wife? I'm serious, why? …. paranoid a little bit. I'm sure if the government really is serious about finding out what you have, being hush hush won't make any difference.,,, they will know exactly what you have before they kick the door in. We all kid about the "boating accident"…. but you know that won't fly! If it comes to that we are screwed anyways !
Is someone perhaps, going to hunt you down and take it ?
Yes they have done it to others and they will period !!


Aug 28, 2022
West Virginia

For those concerned about taking firearms to a gun show to display, I've copied some info from various places and compiled this. IANAL, just a long time gun displayer who has never had any problems taking my firearms to shows.

Interstate Travel:
Per federal law 18 USC § 926A, the Firearm Owners Protection Act, every U.S. citizen may legally transport firearms across state lines as long as he or she is legally allowed to possess the weapons in both the state of origin as well as the destination.

You can legally transport firearms across state lines as long as:

  • You can lawfully possess firearms in your state of origin.
  • You can lawfully possess firearms at your destination.
  • The firearm and ammunition must be stored out of reach (not in the glove compartment or center console).*
  • Although it may not be required, it wouldn't hurt to lock your ammunition and guns in separate lock boxes (if you can) in the trunk or anywhere out of immediate reach.
It is important to note that 18 USC § 926A only allows you to travel through, not to, the states in which it's illegal to carry firearms. In states with strict gun laws (such as California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York), it may be a good idea not to stop at all. In addition, be sure to comply with any magazine and ammunition restrictions that are in place at your destination.

*You can also check the state/local concealed carry laws of each state through which you will be traveling to determine how your CCW permit affects this requirement. This information can be found on the internet at the different states firearms laws websites.

18 U.S.C. § 926A, The Firearm Owners Protection Act

The statute wording:
Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose, from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, that in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

As per above information, if a person were to be doing other things as well as going to a gun show to display, if the other stops included places that are gun unfriendly (NJ, NY, DC, MA, CA, HI, MD, RI, DE, etc.) you wouldn't be covered by the FOPA, making any overnight stops, and in some extremist states, even stopping for any length of time (to get fuel or a bite to eat) a hazard.
Yeah sure , nope not this guy ain't falling for that. Try that in any new England state and your toast.


Oct 22, 2012
Cooke County, Texas
If it's not for me to come in and potentially buy, it's of zero interest to me. I used to go to car shows too but after working on and around them for 30 years, not really my thing any more. Likely more fun to attend to laugh at some of the things people do to their stuff. It's okay for different people to like different things but being "disappointed" in Ruger fans goes a little far in my book. To each his own.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I'll step in even though I haven't got a bit of this pie... I suspect large part of the whole collectors show is meeting and re-meeting like minded people... just social and I'll even step in with my new word 'tribal'. I firmly believe we have buried in our DNA a tribal instinct and for good and bad this keeps us together an also sometimes apart.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
"I suspect large part of the whole collectors show is meeting and re-meeting like minded people... just social"

In part,, you are correct.

But for us to be able to do these displays at a reasonable cost,, they are always inside a gun show and just a small part of the show.
The OGCA show boasts of having over 700 tables. ROCS took up maybe 20 or so.
And while we do displays,, OFTEN,,, I have seen guns used in a display,, sold,, AFTER the display is taken down. To abide by the rules,, we don't sell & remove during the display portion of the show. But the rest of the GUN SHOW you can buy whatever is offered,, if legally allowed to do so.
Now,, some of us collectors PREFER to NOT sell what we've collected & put forth on display. So,, out of 700+ tables approximately,, 20 or so had stuff not for sale in general. Still PLENTY of good opportunities to buy, trade, or sell stuff.