Disappointed in Ruger folks

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Oct 4, 2022
Pittsburg, Texas
I have enjoyed putting little displays together for local shows (north East Texas) where most people have no clue why I'm setting up a display with nothing for sale! No one else does that here. With that being said, setting up a display gives you a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts of the guns you're displaying! This leads to great stories, shared knowledge and sometimes great trades.
I was displaying at Mesquite TX and was fortunate to meet a ROCs member who complimented my display and was actually excited to see me putting forth the effort! Made me feel good and then he began to encourage me to bring it to Tulsa this fall. Of course the excuses started on why I couldn't do it! Most of all those have been previously discussed in the above posts. Well, with further persuasion I decided "to heck with it" …..I went home and reserved a table and rooms in Tulsa for the Nov. show.
Have to say though it's a little intimidating and sort of scary when I look at some of the huge, beautiful, rare displays out there! But even if I embarrass myself I'm going go learn some stuff. lol


Nov 21, 2006
Northern California
I can't help but to think, also, the rift between ROCS and RCA. Could this be keeping folks from one camp from involvement with the other camp?

At the last show I displayed, I was lectured on how bad RCA is, as opposed to how good ROCS is. It was uncomfortable.
Good point WAYNO.

Both organizations have good & possibly bad associated with them. I'm a member of both organizations & find value in each of them. I haven't displayed at a ROCS show. It's on my bucket list.



Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
KWend54,,,,, EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you stepping up. And as for the other displayers,, REMEMBER what I said about the different levels of judging. Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Masters! If this is your first time displaying at a ROCS show,, then you'll be a "Novice!"

DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED OR EMBARRASSED by other displays. Re-read what I've posted about how well you'll be received AND appreciated.

I don't think there's a big "rift" between RCA & ROCS. In fact,, many people are members of both. There may be a few people who have issues with one or the other organization, or the people involved. But heck,, doesn't EVERY type of group that is similar often have a FEW people like that???

ROCS,, RCA,, whatever,, the BEST part is displaying and meeting the public & educating them about our Rugers. The second best part is to be able to see some of the rarest & finest Rugers,, as well as many that cause people to say; "Hey,, I have one of those!"
Apr 6, 2004
Northern, Utah. USA
Randy ZZZ,
We put on a great display Gun Show in January in Nampa Idaho that is a little closer to you with room rates very reasonable. I believe it will be the 2nd week in January this year. Hank & Susie always have a lot of goodies for the displayers & good drawing for displayers with very nice prizes. Great time for all.
I am a life member of the RCA & a Founding Member of the ROCS both are important to me!


Aug 28, 2022
West Virginia
Yes,, it's true,, I'm disappointed in Ruger folks.

Now,, to explain WHY I'm disappointed.

This past weekend,, I attended and displayed at the OGCA/ROCS show in Ohio. Putting aside the fact we've had (2) members pass away in the past year who always put together excellent displays,, Mike Womble (aks; mike722 here,) and Jim Schafer we had too few displays. WAY TOO FEW DISPLAYERS!!!!!! We need MORE folks to display.
What I may have or nor have I may not want on display. I think alot of guys are of the same persuasion. I just keep what I got to myself . It's no one's information other than me.
Now dont think I am being snotty cause I aint. I only ever posted something I owned 1 time. I never liked post your gun threads and I don't like displays. Sorry not being a curmudgeon


Jul 4, 2023
gnappi; What deep blue state would you travel through? Florida, Ga., Tenn, Ky., and Ohio aren't deep blue.
If I were to take a journey like that it would likely have to serve more than one purpose. My sister is a ward of New York State and permanent resident in a hospital for brain damaged and even though she wouldn't know me, I'd visit her and maybe relatives in Connecticut.

It don't think it gets much bluer than N.Y and the trip there would be impractical.

So, Delaware, D.C, Md., NJ. would be concerning.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
WV460hunter,,, yes,, many people prefer to NOT share what they own or whatever with the public. That's perfectly fine. But I also see a LOT of people putting up pictures,, or descriptions, or discussions about their Rugers here on this Forum and other places. These are the people I'd love to see join us at a show.
I fully respect your decision to NOT share what you have.

gnappi,, NOW I see your reasoning. :D


Oct 4, 2022
Pittsburg, Texas
I don't follow the reasoning of guys " that don't want to show what you own"…… why???? Is someone perhaps, going to hunt you down and take it ??? Or is the government going to kick your doors in and take all your guns or maybe the IRS…, an ex wife? I'm serious, why? …. paranoid a little bit. I'm sure if the government really is serious about finding out what you have, being hush hush won't make any difference.,,, they will know exactly what you have before they kick the door in. We all kid about the "boating accident"…. but you know that won't fly! If it comes to that we are screwed anyways !
Mar 2, 2000
As to the rift between the RCA and ROCS, I believe John Dougan is the President of the RCA and he is also the ROCS Historian. A ROCS member stepped up and built a great display to represent the RCA at the latest NRA Meeting in Dallas. We all support each other.

KWend54, I am looking forward to meeting you in Tulsa, sure happy that you will be displaying with us.

FT44/aka Bill
Dec 8, 2005
Lemont, PA, USA 16851

For those concerned about taking firearms to a gun show to display, I've copied some info from various places and compiled this. IANAL, just a long time gun displayer who has never had any problems taking my firearms to shows.

Interstate Travel:
Per federal law 18 USC § 926A, the Firearm Owners Protection Act, every U.S. citizen may legally transport firearms across state lines as long as he or she is legally allowed to possess the weapons in both the state of origin as well as the destination.

You can legally transport firearms across state lines as long as:

  • You can lawfully possess firearms in your state of origin.
  • You can lawfully possess firearms at your destination.
  • The firearm and ammunition must be stored out of reach (not in the glove compartment or center console).*
  • Although it may not be required, it wouldn't hurt to lock your ammunition and guns in separate lock boxes (if you can) in the trunk or anywhere out of immediate reach.
It is important to note that 18 USC § 926A only allows you to travel through, not to, the states in which it's illegal to carry firearms. In states with strict gun laws (such as California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York), it may be a good idea not to stop at all. In addition, be sure to comply with any magazine and ammunition restrictions that are in place at your destination.

*You can also check the state/local concealed carry laws of each state through which you will be traveling to determine how your CCW permit affects this requirement. This information can be found on the internet at the different states firearms laws websites.

18 U.S.C. § 926A, The Firearm Owners Protection Act

The statute wording:
Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose, from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, that in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

As per above information, if a person were to be doing other things as well as going to a gun show to display, if the other stops included places that are gun unfriendly (NJ, NY, DC, MA, CA, HI, MD, RI, DE, etc.) you wouldn't be covered by the FOPA, making any overnight stops, and in some extremist states, even stopping for any length of time (to get fuel or a bite to eat) a hazard.
Oct 20, 2022
Randy ZZZ,
We put on a great display Gun Show in January in Nampa Idaho that is a little closer to you with room rates very reasonable. I believe it will be the 2nd week in January this year. Hank & Susie always have a lot of goodies for the displayers & good drawing for displayers with very nice prizes. Great time for all.
I am a life member of the RCA & a Founding Member of the ROCS both are important to me!
Well, let me see how things play out. That sounds like it might be doable.

I will agree with jimbo1096 that if you're on a fixed income, money is always tight. I planned for retirement with pre-COVID prices and pre-horse expenses.


Jul 13, 2007
People's Republic of Maryland
Not everyone on the forum is a collector. I'm sure not; I'm a satisfied user of some of the best designed firearms on the planet. I don't collect, I buy for a purpose, to use. I sure don't buy guns to create a display at some collector show for me to haul around and people to gawk at.

Second, not everyone can drive to Ohio to set up a display for fun. Real things like work, family commitments, property/home maintenance, real life stuff, etc. take priority over driving halfway across the country for "fun". Those who can, fine. But there ain't many who can, proven by the numbers you witnessed.

And then you factor in packing, transporting, unpacking, displaying, packing back up, transporting home, and finally unpacking anywhere from a few to several dozen firearms, display materials, and paraphernalia. Yeah, forget that. That's work, not fun.

It seems collecting and displaying Rugers ain't all that popular. Not anymore anyway. And with the new generations of plastic gun shooters, it'll be even less.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Those of you with substantial collections of Rugers, especially those with boxes, papers, shippers, u-marked, star-marked, sequentially numbered, unfired NOS guns....you may want to start liquidating while there are still folks around who find those things interesting enough to give you some return on your "investment". Clock's ticking. The pool of buyers is smaller than you think and dwindling by the year. You're seeing the signs. Rugers are using guns, they ain't Colts.

I'm glad you and a few others enjoy that facet of firearms. More power to you. That ain't me. Sorry to disappoint. BTW, scolding others for not doing what you do is kinda off-putting.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I think understand your way thinking bisleyfan41.

However,, quite often displays ARE done around shooters, favorite guns, first guns, or other themes that are special to the displayer. Not all displays are of the rarer, one of a kind or hard to get guns.
But displaying those allows others to actually see such rare pieces w/o going to a museum.

Real life things.
All of us have them. Each & every one of us. But it's just one weekend. One you can plan for. It's a mini-vacation so to speak. Real life things will still be there after a weekend. All of us plan some type of weekend or even a week or more away from real life things. A display show is no different. Some plan events like this to where they actually extend their time away from home to vacation a bit as well.

The comment; "That's work, not fun."
Yes,, it can be a bit of work. But so is mowing the lawn, raking leaves, painting the garage, or any of the many things real life has for us. However,, it's not just Ohio,, we do have shows elsewhere. But the good thing is you have a year to plan to do one show. You can take a little spare time and design, build & figure out a display stretched out over a year. And if you plan it right,, the actual set up usually takes most of us less than an hour,, and take down even less time. I had all of my display taken down, transported to my truck, loaded in my truck and on the road in about 35-40 minutes Sunday. AND,,all that with me having a lot of back pain due to a sciatic nerve causing me pain all weekend. I was using a walking cane all weekend,, and had issues with bending or reaching. Oh, my pain was bad enough to where I asked for a little help in unloading my display when I arrived,, and others gladly jumped in & helped. And even with all that,, I had my display set up & ready in less than an hour. Gee,, a LITTLE bit of work,,, that is surely a LOT more fun than many of the "real life" work I could have stayed home to do.
Even with back nerve pain,, it was STILL very much FUN and in my mind,, NOT work. I didn't "dread it" nor do any of the other people who display. We enjoy sharing our passion for Rugers & having others attend the show to learn about them. That's NOT work to us.

Yes,, a lot of younger people are more excited about the "plastic fantastic" type of stuff. However,, MANY of them,, once introduced to guns like our Rugers do take an interest,, and realize there's more to guns than the plastic stuff. That's PART of why we do it.

And the comment; "Rugers are using guns, they ain't Colts." That's what was said about Colts as well even after they were "just" 70 years old. In another 50-100 years,, Rugers will be just as revered as Colts or Smiths of the early vintage are. BUT,, one big difference is that private collectors & such are saving as much history & items to where they will be greatly appreciated in the future. Your comments make it appear that owning Rugers is a "gloom & doom" prospect. That we all should just sell or get rid of all our Ruger stuff.

Lastly,, your comment; "BTW, scolding others for not doing what you do is kinda off-putting."
I'm sorry you feel that way. My posting was more about trying to get at least a few more people to actually try doing a display, not so much as scolding. I see so MANY different threads that much of the subject is "showing off their Ruger guns & such" that I feel disappointed in those very same people who think they can't do a display. Go to the "Gallery" here & scroll through & see all the different guns or such that members here have shared. They are proud of their Rugers. Yet,, the very same people don't even attempt a display.
You mis-understood my reasoning for posting. Just like I HOPE I mis-understood your posting that appears that you are too lazy to try a display. Your posting put forth a lot of the very same excuses I was trying to get people to stop & re-look at. To maybe realize it's not work, it fun. That it's rewarding. And that a little time spent doing a show is no different than any other activity we all do in real life.
You mis-understood my reasoning,, And I'm surely hoping I am mistaken about the way your post reads.
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
The nearest show to me is the Ohio show and that is a 7+ hour trip. ROCS doesn't have any shows any closer. Have never seen anything about gun shows in York PA, Timonium MD, or anywhere in Delaware that ROCS has a hand in. There they might be 'workable' for old me.


Oct 22, 2012
Cooke County, Texas
I cannot think of a single sporting related thing I'd less rather do than attend or participate in a display show. Guns shows with items for sale have gotten bad enough.

The hot rodding world is no different.

Not everyone on the forum is a collector
This is true. I have one "collector" Ruger that I bought for me, not to show off. I have a few vintage Marlins too and I don't show them off either.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
GasGuzzler,, while you may not want to do a display,, or whatever,, the OGCA is a REAL gun show. No jerky, no jewelry, none of the crap stuff we've come to see at most other gun shows. And while there is some of the more modern stuff,,, there is a LOT of older stuff as well.
We also had a Remington Collectors Society doing some displays. There were some folks from the National Muzzleloading Assoc there.
The OGCA rules for dealers & displayers are strict. But it's truly a GUN show.

And by doing displays,, attendees will bring out Rugers to sell to us. We see a lot of those.