Yea, it was late when I posted that and it looks like I was a little unclear. The price is $14.48 a box. If you buy 2 boxes there is a $5 mail in rebate. So, after tax and with the rebate, the price on 2 boxes is less than $13. Best deal I've found on non-surplus 30-06 in a few years. The big plus was that they actually had the shelves full!
I bought some last year, but there was a limit to 2 boxes maximum per household for the rebate. I bought 2 boxes at a time, and had my friends send in the
rebate form and they each got $10 for me.
I am a big fan of Remington Core Lockts for non premium 30-06 ammo. It has always been accurate enough out of my remington auto and ruger m77. 165gr works great on deer and works well on spike bull elk, at least on broadside shots. I think you got a really good deal. I don't get it as often as I use to now that I reload, but at that price, maybe I'll pick some up just to have on hand.