Day at the range

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Nov 19, 2023
Good morning so I have to complain a little today I went to the range yesterday I haven't been out since November. I try to go once a month its my happy place I love it there BS with friends even the range officers . Well yesterday there was a RO just wouldn't quit telling me what I was going wrong . I know I am not the best shot around I don't do it enough but I have fun . Anyway finally I told him to fxxx off , talk to the head guy there and told him if I was doing something not safe I could understand him talking to me but to me his advise was not welcome anyway that's my rant for the day . Just don't screw up my happy place
What were you trying to shoot? Rifle, pistol? Caliber? Not that it matters but it is your happy place so lets talk about what makes you happy.
I'm not terribly fond of the know it all RO. Make sure the place is safe. My particular fondness is shooting .22 lr target rifles. When handguns are on the menu I like to throw a little bullseye in the mix.
Probably didn't even ask if you wanted advice. Not a RO, but a very nosey know it all is at my range often. He's either telling someone what they are doing wrong or telling you the history the gun, ranting about some handload he made or asking folks for their club card....never shuts up. He preys on the newer folks or the ones too polite to tell him to shut up and go away. He knows better than to come up to me anymore and just gives me a stupid look. I've never seen the guy shoot, or even bring a gun that I can recall. He is a confirmed member though. Not just the range either.....he hits the lake and bugs folks there as well. Unfortunately he pays his dues so he's tolerated by the club staff.
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Shooting pistols yes you worded that perfectly a know it all RO . What makes me happy is shooting off 200 rds and for the RO to keep things safe that's it keep you comments to yourself
Now when center fire rifles are the main course I really enjoy slinging up one of my M1 Garands and shoving some 168 gr Match Kings down range. Pure heaven!😁
At the police range it was my job to tell those screwing up what they needed to change. But, at my club range I was also a RO every year for 11 years at public sight in days. There it's all about safety period! No way could I teach someone to shoot great in an hour or 2. I did suggest better ways to those really struggling to keep rounds on paper at 100yds. Most just shot a round or 2 before going went back to lousy methods to miss.
Every year other ROs would come over, step in and try to help them as I was checking the spotting scope or standing back after giving advice on my shooters. I flat out told them to bug off. I brought this up at the morning pre shoot meetings, some still did over step their job and I still told them to bug off.
Over many years I have seen some members struggle and would ASK if they wanted advice. I gave them my background as instructor and master shooter. Some wanted help, others did not. I helped those who wanted help.
I am glad you told the guy to shovel off.
At the police range it was my job to tell those screwing up what they needed to change. But, at my club range I was also a RO every year for 11 years at public sight in days. There it's all about safety period! No way could I teach someone to shoot great in an hour or 2. I did suggest better ways to those really struggling to keep rounds on paper at 100yds. Most just shot a round or 2 before going went back to lousy methods to miss.
Every year other ROs would come over, step in and try to help them as I was checking the spotting scope or standing back after giving advice on my shooters. I flat out told them to bug off. I brought this up at the morning pre shoot meetings, some still did over step their job and I still told them to bug off.
Over many years I have seen some members struggle and would ASK if they wanted advice. I gave them my background as instructor and master shooter. Some wanted help, others did not. I helped those who wanted help.
I am glad you told the guy to shovel off.
Thanks for the kind words I was shooting 15 yds pistol every shot was on the paper some left high but on the paper anyway I glad I spoke up
Some wanted help, others did not. I helped those who wanted help
Bravo Zulu kmoore......I too have a background of Instructor/RSO in the military. When I see someone at my club struggling or frustrated I introduce myself and strike up a friendly conversation about the nice day, bugs, whatever and eventually ask about their struggle. You can identify beginners immediately. You can identify the frustrated pride holders also. If they ask for advice or help that is when I advise of my background and offer help. If they refuse I tell them be safe and good luck, and let them know what bench or table I'm at. More often than not, the beginners end up asking. Especially with sighting in on rifle range. My Club was considering volunteer RO's and asked me if I would consider it. I said sure, but nothing ever came of it. I truly enjoyed my duty as an instructor/RSO at three different commands. I love teaching folks. When my Wife (GF at the time) was going through the app process for Sheriffs Office I had her at the range with my 226 and Mossy 12 (thats what the SO carried) every weekend, not even knowing if she'd be accepted. She was, and excelled on marksmanship. Which led me to bring many a SO applicant to the range both male and female. Not everyone can be helped, mostly because they don't want it for whatever reason. You can't force them or be an annoying arrogant jerk about it. But it's very rewarding to watch the ones who do want the help progress quickly to the point they are enjoying it.
Thanks for the kind words I was shooting 15 yds pistol every shot was on the paper some left high but on the paper anyway I glad I spoke up

Jav you had every right to tell him to go away. Heck, he was probably the reason you were doing whatever wrong if you even were. How can you focus and enjoy with some arrogant know it all in your ear? You can't.
I can confirm that Chief knows how to do that! distinguished sort of way...;)
Well I can confirm that it's not so distinguished looking anymore. Position shooting is becoming increasingly hard for me but I still love to try! Sitting is by far the most uncomfortable but prone is great until I have to get up...LOL
I was referring more towards this as "Distinguished".....Navy style ;)

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I quit goingg to the range when they made the change to hiting ROs. First off, every RO either works part time and is either a full time or retired PRISON GUARD. They are rude to civilians and seemed to want to drive them out of the club. They're succeeding in that effort. The day I left for good I'd arrived at the range and with the OK of the shooters on the line was setting up my chronograph. Mr. Big Shot RO comes over ranting and raving, swearing like a marine DI at me. The guys told him I'd cleared with them to set up as they knew me and knew I'd let them shoot over the chrony if they asked.
He just said I was off the range for rules violation, pack up and leave. Ghe other guys protested so he told them all to pack up and leave. That club once had over 100 members. I doubt that 25 of still go to shoot. I'd been a member since December of 1979 I left in 2021.
Paul B.
I take it you were supposed to check in with him in order for him to clear the range for you. It doesn't take much power to turn a guy into a tin pot dictator, especially when they are used to giving orders and being obeyed. That kind of stuff can ruin a good club. Sometimes gun owners are their own worst enemy. I hate the division that has been slowly forming between the folks who see guns and gun ownership as the special purview of the operator/tactical group and those folks who just enjoy other firearms disciplines.
I'm coming up on 10 years of shooting (never had enough money at one time for both fingerprinting and application back where I used to live for 50 years). First purchase was a .243 rifle and a .40 pistol. Was glad to get some free advice about shooting stance from another shooter on my first range trip. But yeah, some people need to mind their own business…
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I'm coming up on 10 years of shooting (never had enough money at one time for both fingerprinting and application back where I used to live for 50 years). First purchase was a .243 rifle and a .40 pistol. Was glad to get some free advice about shooting stance from another shooter on my first range trip. But yeah, some people need to mind their own business…
Problem is that bad , overbearing ROs think everything is their business .

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