Cylinder reaming/finishing

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Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
Probably silly to ask....but after reaming a blued cylinder is refinishing needed?

Want to reload 452 cast in a 45LC BH and if I ream the the cylinder mouth (which I've never done or looked into) just want to know.
Actually, not sure I want to spend the money on the tools required at this time.....I have read up on this here and some of the older posts mentioned a couple members who did this as a business. However they are apparently no longer doing it.

Any good recommendations for Cylinder Reaming?
I think Mr. Garza is the only one still available. I didn't refinish mine. Didn't need it.
My understanding is that when you fire revolver the flame in the cylinder fire blues the throat after being reamed.
"Why would one want to ream the cylinder on modern Ruger .45 Colt in order to shoot .452" bullets?
Did I mss something?
I have three .45 Colt blackhawks and the just love .452" bullets."

Well, unfortunately,, many revolver cylinders do not have uniform throats. Many are undersized. And with a lot of folks using cast bullets,, proper throats are necessary for accuracy. Most often,, for the .45's,, throats are reamed to .4525.
Why would one want to ream the cylinder on modern Ruger .45 Colt in order to shoot .452" bullets?
Did I mss something?
I have three .45 Colt blackhawks and the just love .452" bullets.

Even when ordering cast bullets there is typically a warning about the chambers of Ruger revolvers.

I usually order from Missouri Bullet Company and they definitely recommend reaming of Ruger cylinders.