Glad you found one. Let us know how it shoots. All of my 44's have shot good with Hornady XTP's.
My range requires some sort of sight system. I had to use a scope on my first attempt, as the factory iron sights were "in the mail."
The handgun (?) was spraying bullets all over the place. It was also launching keyholes every other shot. I had called CVA customer service to ask about the keyhole problem and their guy suggested that I had a dirty barrel? I was skeptical, it was brand new, unfired.
On my second attempt, I had the iron sights mounted, and a clean barrel.. I figured I'd start at 30 feet, ready to pack it up and ship it back. The thing hit two in the center square.
I was encouraged, moved the target out to 75 feet and began to adjust the sights. After a bunch of fiddling, I got it shooting reasonably well, considering the shooter, (me) and all the holes were nice and round.
Ten of the unmarked shots are the last from 75 feet. Two of the unmarked were the first from 30 feet.
I like the handgun, hopefully I'll improve with it. I added some white nail polish to the rear sight. The CVA sights are kinda small for an old man.
The single shot routine is relaxing, but the range officers wanted to know where my Rugers were.